How To Select Above Ground Pool Pumps


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The pool pump is the heart of your above ground pool; it ensures your water stays healthy by moving it through your filter and chlorinator. Having the wrong pump can mean your pool water will get cloudy, green, and nasty. In this guide, we'll walk you through on how to size your above ground pool pump.


Step by Step


Step 1

Sizing above ground pool pumps is much simpler than their inground counterparts. Above ground pool pumps are generally below the waterline thereby gravity fed, with minimal plumbing between it and its suction ports. The simplicity the pool’s plumbing allows you to size the pump by pool size alone (most times.)

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps

Step 2

Round Pools: The chart shows the normal manufacturer pump sizing recommendations for pool sizes. The horsepower overlaps on the “tweener” sized pools 15’ is a small to medium, and 27’ is medium to large.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 8’ to 15’ Round
  • 1 Horsepower: 15’ to 24’ Round
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 24’ to 36’ Round

Step 3

Oval Pools: Similar to the round pools, the horsepower recommendations overlap for some models. If your pool falls in one of these overlap areas, then consider how much swimmer traffic you expect. Light to moderately used pools, choose the lower HP, for higher swimmer loads, choose the step up.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 12’ X 17’ to 12’ X 24’
  • 1 Horsepower: 12’ X 24’ to 15’ X 27’
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 15’ X 27’ to 18’ X 33’

Step 4

Reasons to step up horsepower: Longer than standard plumbing lines and/or pool accessories may require you to make the jump to the next highest horsepower to ensure proper flow rates. Common causes for larger pumps
  • Suction line from the skimmer to pump is longer than 15-feet
  • You’re planning to use a suction cleaner, e.g. the Hayward Navigator, The Pool Cleaner, and Kreepy Krauly
  • Adding solar panels, especially ones mounted on roofs or fences increase the strain on the pump, requiring extra HP oomph

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps


(281 to 320 of 630)

 Posted: 6/30/2016 

I have a 18x33 oval pool. I need a new filtration / pump system. What do you recommend?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/27/2016 

LeviJ - For your size pool I would go with the 1 1/2 HP pump with a 21 " sand filter.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/27/2016 

Knkuppy - For a reliable and durable AG pump and filter set, I would recommend the Jacuzzi Laser 19" Sand Filter W/ 1.5 HP Pump for your size pool. It is currently on sale.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/27/2016 

DE Filter - For a DE filIer, I would recommend a Hayward Perflex DE Filter 25 Sq. Ft. for your size pool. It does have to match your pool pump. This filter is rated for a max of 50 GPM. If your pump generates more than 50 GPM, you will need the next larger size filter.

 Posted: 6/26/2016 

I have a 24' by 52" round above ground pool. I need to replace the sand filter body. The current size is a 26" filter that needs to be replaced, from an older 30' foot pool. What size filter will work and will the 1 1/2 pump that I have on it still be usable. Or should I change to an 18" filter and a 1hp pump.

 Posted: 6/26/2016 

We have a 24 ft 52 in AG pool. We are looking for new pump and filter. What do you suggest?!!

Anonymous  Posted: 6/25/2016 

I have a 24' round x 52" depth what De filter would work best?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/20/2016 

33 ft AG pool - Yes, a 1 1/2 HP above ground pump will work on your size pool.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/17/2016 

Charize - I would recommend a Jacuzzi Laser 16" Sand Filter W/ 1 HP Pump for your size pool. The set is currently on sale.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/17/2016 

i have a 33ft above ground pool will a 1-1/2hp pump be ok it has a 2hp on it now but it just went out

 Posted: 6/14/2016 

I have an above ground pool it's a 9ft by 18ft x 52 rectangular what kind of pump and filter would be beat for it? Thank you

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2016 

Steve S - Unfortunately, we do not sell or service Intex pools so I have no step by step procedures for fixing your pump system. One common problem with pumps, in general, is a clogged impeller. to see how to clean out an impeller see our guide on "How To Clean Out a Pool Pump Impeller".

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2016 

MovieLover - For a 26'x52" above ground pool, I would recommend a Jacuzzi Laser 19" Sand Filter W/ 1.5 HP Pump. They are currently on sale.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/13/2016 

Tim - For your size pool, I would recommend the Hayward 40 Sq. Ft. Filter W/ 1 HP Pump for economy and quality.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/13/2016 

I have an Intex above ground sand filter and saltwater pump; it's only a year old. I absolutely cannot get it to pump, as it quickly goes to the "low flow" warning. I've backwashed, done all the troubleshooting in the manual. Any suggestions for a step-by-step approach to isolate and fix the problem. Also, it's been impossible to find anyone who will service it (purchase online), since all companies and solo folks are busy installing and/or doing full-on servicing....Steve S

 Posted: 6/13/2016 

I have an intex 26×52 aboveground pool. The original pump/filter that came with the pool is inadequate. What do I need?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/13/2016 

pump/filter selection - Choice of a filter is personal and it sounds like you are sold on DE filters. I would recommend something like a Hayward EC50C Perflex Filter w/ 1 HP Matrix Pump for your size pool.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/12/2016 

tomas - You may have to invest in a better quality pump/filter set like the Hayward VL Series Sand Filter Systems.

 Posted: 6/11/2016 

We have a intext 18x52 ultra. About 6981 gallons and our sand filter system doesn't clean very well and tired of back washing cuz it still puts dirt in the pool. I would like to go to a cartridge filter system but not sure what to upgrade to. And hopefully don't want to spend an arm and a leg for it. And will it connect to my plumbing ? I think I does 1600 gph.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/11/2016 

I have an above ground 16 by 32 by 48 pool that is old, it has a Hayward cartridge filter that doesn't have the best suction, only high speed and no on off switch so I am thinking of replacing it. I have a de filter at my rental that keeps the water crystal clear, the cartridge must be changed frequently ( I have 3 in rotation) and when I vacuum, the dirt on the bottom seems to go thru the filter and reappear the next day. I have a cistern for my water so my pressure is poor, but I can pressure wash at a friends house down the street. Should I buy a new filter and what kind?

 Posted: 6/10/2016 

I have 18ft. Intex Summer Escapes above-ground pool I have had it only two summers and have replaced the pump already last summer. the pump was removed and stored inside for winter. the new pump has once again quit. My husband is not too happy about this. What can be done to fix and keep this from reoccurring?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/10/2016 

Miki - Your 1 1/2 HP pump is the right size for your ~12,000-gallon pool. Your problem is more due to the placement and number of return ports (1). You might consider buying an AG pool suction cleaner, like a Kreepy Krauly Lil Shark A/G Cleaner, to help reach areas not adequately covered.

 Posted: 6/8/2016 

I have a 15x30x52 oval pool. My pump is 1 1/2 hp. The end furthest from the pump doesn't seem to get circulated properly to keep clean. Should I get a 2hp pump or do you have another suggestion?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2016 

BusyMom - I'd recommend a 16" or 18" filter. The 16" filter would work fine. The 18" filter would require less frequent backwashes and sand changes.

 Posted: 6/5/2016 

I have an intex 16x48 AG pool. I know I need a 1 HP but which do I need 11,16 or 18 inch filter.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/31/2016 

DonnaG - For quality and price, I would recommend the new PureLine 1 Hp Above Ground Pool Pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2016 

al – If you currently have a 2 HP ABOVE ground pump, you may have to go to a 2 HP IN ground pump to get the pressure you need to push the water up and through your solar panels. A 3 or 4 HP pump seems like overkill for your system and might lead to over pressure issues.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2016 

33’ Ugh! – For your size pool and amount of debris, I would stay with a 1 ½ HP AG pump with a large cartridge filter. A 2 HP IG pump would be more costly to run and is too strong for an AG pool. I would recommend something like the Pentair 1.5 HP OptiFlo Pump Twist Lock Cord W/ 150 Sq. Ft. Clean & Clear Cartridge Filter.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2016 

Lana - I would recommend a 1 1/2 HP pump with a medium/large sand filter for your 20,000 gallon pool. Our Jacuzzi Laser 22.5" Sand Filter W/ 1.5 HP Pump is currently on sale.

 Posted: 5/29/2016 

Thanks!!! Very informative and answered my questions!!! :-)

 Posted: 5/29/2016 

I have a 16X48 Pro Series above ground pool. I need a 1hp pump. Which one should I purchase? Thanks!

 Posted: 5/26/2016 

I have a 15x30 above ground pool with a two speed 2 hp 48 fr pump. I have a switch where water is diverted during sunny times into a series of solar panels on a low hanging roof. The problem is when water is running into the panels I have a very weak water flow back into the pool. Would going to a stronger hp (3 or 4 hp) remedy this?


 Posted: 5/26/2016 

Hi. We have a 33' round above ground about 10 yrs old. Currently have a 1.5 hp jacuzzi pump with a cartridge filter. We have a wooded lot so lots of debris and bugs. The set up we have now does not seem to do the trick. but it's older and just may be tired.. We were looking to go with the DE but after speaking to people I feel like it might be a lot more work and maintenance with clogging than a cartridge with our wooded lot. The local guy said he could hook up a 2 hp in ground pool pump to ours. So do you think cartridge is the way to go? And is the 2 hp too big? Thank you for your feedback..

 Posted: 5/26/2016 

I have a 30' round 52" deep above ground pool that I need to replace the sand filter on. I have 10 children and 9 grandchildren. It will have to work hard and I like my water to spin. lol What would you suggest? Thank you Lana

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/23/2016 

Susan - We don't handle Coleman pools, but from the online pictures, it looks like what you are calling the pump is one integrated filter and pump unit. I don't know if you can separate the filter and pump and just use the filter with a new pump. The smallest pump / filter pump set we sell is Waterway's TWM-30 System 16" Sand 1/2" HP, with Trap. It would be a much better unit than what you currently have, but it cost more than you originally paid for the pool. I’d check with Coleman to see what their pump/filter price is and see if that have one a little bit bigger.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/23/2016 

Logston - The size of your filter depends on the size of your pump. For a 1 HP pump, I would suggest an 18" sand filter like the Hayward Sand Filter with Top Mount Valve 18" Tank - S180T. For a 1 1/2 HP pump, I would suggest the next size up like the Hayward Sand Filter W/Top Mount Valve 20" Tank - S210T.

 Posted: 5/23/2016 

I have an coleman 14ft pool round and the pump we got quit working, I was wondering what pump should we get?

 Posted: 5/21/2016 

I have 24 above ground pool. I want a sand filter and don't know what size to get. Please help. Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/13/2016 

vickie - I would recommend a 1 1/2 HP pump with a medium/large sand filter for your 18,000 gallon pool. Our Jacuzzi Laser 22.5" Sand Filter W/ 1.5 HP Pump is currently on sale.

 Posted: 5/11/2016 

putting in 18x33 above ground pool what would be best filtration system and how big