How To Select Above Ground Pool Pumps


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The pool pump is the heart of your above ground pool; it ensures your water stays healthy by moving it through your filter and chlorinator. Having the wrong pump can mean your pool water will get cloudy, green, and nasty. In this guide, we'll walk you through on how to size your above ground pool pump.


Step by Step


Step 1

Sizing above ground pool pumps is much simpler than their inground counterparts. Above ground pool pumps are generally below the waterline thereby gravity fed, with minimal plumbing between it and its suction ports. The simplicity the pool’s plumbing allows you to size the pump by pool size alone (most times.)

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps

Step 2

Round Pools: The chart shows the normal manufacturer pump sizing recommendations for pool sizes. The horsepower overlaps on the “tweener” sized pools 15’ is a small to medium, and 27’ is medium to large.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 8’ to 15’ Round
  • 1 Horsepower: 15’ to 24’ Round
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 24’ to 36’ Round

Step 3

Oval Pools: Similar to the round pools, the horsepower recommendations overlap for some models. If your pool falls in one of these overlap areas, then consider how much swimmer traffic you expect. Light to moderately used pools, choose the lower HP, for higher swimmer loads, choose the step up.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 12’ X 17’ to 12’ X 24’
  • 1 Horsepower: 12’ X 24’ to 15’ X 27’
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 15’ X 27’ to 18’ X 33’

Step 4

Reasons to step up horsepower: Longer than standard plumbing lines and/or pool accessories may require you to make the jump to the next highest horsepower to ensure proper flow rates. Common causes for larger pumps
  • Suction line from the skimmer to pump is longer than 15-feet
  • You’re planning to use a suction cleaner, e.g. the Hayward Navigator, The Pool Cleaner, and Kreepy Krauly
  • Adding solar panels, especially ones mounted on roofs or fences increase the strain on the pump, requiring extra HP oomph

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps


(361 to 400 of 630)

 Posted: 7/26/2015 

I'm putting in a very small AG pool for me and my 2 Labs. A 9' diameter, 1000 gallon polyethylene stock tank, just to hop into and cool off in the south Texas heat. Should I use a 1 HP pump and filter or should I look at those designed for spa/hot tub use instead? Thank you!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/22/2015 

BARB - Generally the only task an AG pool pump has is to circulate the pool water and it doesn't get hot just circulating water. You might have to run it a little longer but something in the 8 hour range should be adequate. Here is our guide on "How To Troubleshoot a Pool Pump Motor - Motor Overheated". It lists the type of conditions that might lead to a hot motor.

 Posted: 7/20/2015 


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/12/2015 

Renee - I would recommend something like the Pentair EasyClean DE 1.5 HP OptiFlo Pump Twist Lock Cord W/ 30 Sq. Ft Filter System for your size pool. If you are looking for just the DE filter, make sure it is large enough to handle the GFM water flow generated by your current pump. We generally recommend getting the next largest size filter than what you think you need. Filters can always be larger then needed. And would require less maintenance and cleaning.

 Posted: 7/11/2015 

I have a 33 foot round that operates on a sand filter. I am thinking about upgrading to a earth filter. What would you recommend?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/9/2015 

Edward - I wouldn't go over 1 HP for your size pool. And you have to make sure that the filter you currently have can handle the GPM water flow that your new pump generates.

 Posted: 7/8/2015 

I have a Intex ultra frame 16×48 round above ground pool that uses the cartridge style water pumps. Is it okay to use a sta-rite 1.5 hp 115v water pump that uses a trap basket? Model # JWPAS5F-2A4. Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/2/2015 

JoAnna - We recommend a 1 HP pump for your size pool ~16,000 gallons so you should be good there. And yes you should change out your sand for sand made for pool filters. Use only high rate No. 20 Silica Sand like Quikrete Pool Filter Sand - available at most HW stores.

 Posted: 7/1/2015 

My pool is 18w x 33l and 54 inches deep, my pump is a 1.0 horse power is this pump to small for my pool, and the sand in my filter came from an asphalt company that washes the sand for road construction jobs, should I change out the sand to pool sand.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2015 

too many choices - I would recommend a 1.5 HP pump and 150 sq ft filter for your size pool. The Pentair and Hayward sets are comparable in performance. The Pentair A/G Pool 1.5 HP 2 Speed Pump & 150 Sq Ft Filter would end up being cheaper than the Hayward Xstream Filter 150 Sq Ft and 2 speed 1.5 HP Matrix pump combination.

 Posted: 6/14/2015 

would a Pentair Clean & Clear 150 Pump & Filter System 1.5HP 2-Speed
Part #: PNCC0150OF2160 be a better choice over the hayward extreme?


 Posted: 6/13/2015 

I have a 14000 gallon pool. I'm looking to go from a sand dollar sd40 sand filter with a 1 hp pump to a Hayward extreme 100 or 150 sq.ft filter and corresponding 1 or 1.5 hp Hayward matrix 2speed motor. I'm concerned that the 1 hp motor won't be big enough when working at low speed.
Also would you recommended a different system than what I'm look at?

Thanks for your time!


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/1/2015 

John K - Yes, both of these pumps are AG pool pumps (gravity fed) are would be compatible with your DE filter.

 Posted: 5/31/2015 

I have a 16' x 28' x 5' deep in center, Van Dorn pool with a DE filter. I want to replace the 1hp pump with a 1hp Hayward Power Flow Lx or 1hp Power Flow Matrix. Are these pumps compatible with the filter?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/25/2015 

Mark Oliver - Generally you can replace a pump motor with a larger one, but I don't see anything over 1HP for your older pump. And if your pump is beat up and corroded, I would probably replace the whole pump. If you are going to a 1 1/2 HP pump [which is recommended for your size pool] you might have to upgrade your filter to match the larger motor. If you want to stay with a DE filter, I would recommend "Hayward EC50C Perflex Filter w/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump" as an option.

 Posted: 5/23/2015 

I bought a home that has a 28 foot/4 ft deep above ground pool with an older Hayward Perflex Extended Cycle D.E. filter. The pump that is presently connected to the filter is a Hayward Power-flo LX SP1510-Z-1-XES, I think it is a 1.0 HP motor. Bottom line, the pump has a tendency to seize up when turning it on. I took the pump apart, cleaned everything that was easy to access and the propeller spins freely clockwise and counter-clockwise. So I am stumped and trying to decide whether to buy a new pump or replace the motor in the unit I have. The housing is pretty beat up and corroded in places, if that makes a difference in your suggestion. Also, will a 1 1/2 HP pump be compatible with my existing pump? Any help you could forward is much appreciated.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/19/2015 

Rich – I would recommend a Game Sand Pro 50 Filter System. See our guide on “How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System”.

 Posted: 5/18/2015 

Hello, any pump and filter suggetions for an above ground intex pool with measurements 18X48? The pump that came with it does not circulate the water and last year the pool turned green.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/14/2015 

Chad - I would recommend upgrading your Intex pump/filter system to a Game Sand Pro 50 Filter System. See our guide on "How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System".

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/14/2015 

Mike93 - A 1HP pump is the size pump recommended for your size pool. I would not go any higher than that.

 Posted: 5/13/2015 

I am looking to upgrade my current pump and filter. I have an Intex 24x12x52" above ground pool. The pump that it came with isn't strong enough to run the vacuum that well. I feel as though I need something a little stronger. Do you have a recommendation?

 Posted: 5/13/2015 

I have a 24x12 oval shaped pool that it mostly 4 ft deep but it drops down to 6 ft on one sode. I have a 1hp pump, is that to small?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/11/2015 

johnR – You are asking how much sand to use. That will depend on the size and manufacturer of the sand filter for you pool. If you have a User’s Manual for your filter, that information should be in there. If not, give us a call at 877-372-6038 and, with the make and model, we can look that up for you.

 Posted: 5/10/2015 

I have 24 ft above ground pool how much sand do I use

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/29/2015 

tiggert43 - We usually recommend a 1 HP pump or less for a 22' pool but you could try your old pool 1.5 HP pump and filter as long as it came from an above ground pool. If you find it is circulating too much water, you could step it down to a 1 HP pump by replacing its impeller with a smaller one. See our guide on "How To Downsize a Pool Pump Impeller" for more information.

 Posted: 4/28/2015 

I have an Intex 22' round pool. I was wondering if my pump and sand filter from my old pool will work on it. Will a 1.5hp be too big?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/27/2015 

Robin - You should be able to transfer your sand filter and pump from your Intex pool to you new steel sided pool with little or no difficulty. I would assume it's all 1 1/2" tubing between the pump/filter and the pool. You might have to get creative adapting the tubes to the pool ports, but generally these connectors are fairly generic. The Intex pump/filter isn't very durable so you might consider an upgrade to another pump/filter system later on. See our guide on "How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System" for more information.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/27/2015 

Dog Pool Owner - Don't think there is a brand of sand filter with larger lateral slots. It would let more sand through. If the dog hair is clogging your laterals and probably your sand, you might consider going to a cartridge filter. They would be much easier to clean out the dog hair and less likely to clog up. With your situation I would get the largest filter you can afford. You can't have too big a filter. Bigger means more capacity for dog hair and less frequently cleaning. Cartridge filter are also more efficient that sand filter. Will trap finer particles.

 Posted: 4/27/2015 

I have a 1/2 hp sand filter and pump on my Intex 16ft pool. Works well. I am replacing my pool going to a 15 ft steel sided pool. Will my Intex pump work on the new pool? It is not an Intex pool

 Posted: 4/27/2015 


I am looking to replace my 21" sta-rite sand filter and hayward 1.5hp pump for our 20'x40'x48" canine above ground pool that is used in a dog daycare type setting. I would like to stick with a sand filter, but the current setup is not getting the job done. I can never seem to get the pool quite as clear as I'd like.

After researching, it seems like going with the largest surface area of sand possible may be a good solution along with a new 1/5hp pump. What filter size would you recommend for the job, and is there a brand that may be built with appropriate size slots in the laterals to help with dog hair. Open to any ideas at this point to hlep make our pool sparkle all season long! Thank you!


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/26/2015 

Julisa - The above ground pumps usually come as a filter/pump set so that the match up. If you have an inferior pump you probably also have an inferior filter. For an economical but significantly better replacement set, I would recommend the "Game SandPro 50 Pool Filter System". We sell many of these as upgrades to your type of pool. See our guide on "How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System". This is for an Intex conversion but it's very similar to what you want to do. If you want to go to a quality set more comparable to in-ground pools, look at the "Hayward Pump & Filter S144T Filter W/ 40 GPM Pump" as an alternative.

 Posted: 4/26/2015 

I have a 17ft by 48inch summer escape and the pump needs to be replaced. I want a better quality pump then what came with it. Could you recommend one please... Help!!!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/20/2015 

Filter/pump set - I would recommend something like a "Hayward Pump & Filter S180T Filter w/ 1 HP Matrix Pump" for your 24' AG pool. If you would also like to automate it's operation, I would suggest the "Hayward Pump & Filter S180T Filter w/ 1 HP Matrix Pump & Timer".

Anonymous  Posted: 4/19/2015 

I am looking to replace my cartridge filter with a sand filter.. What should I get? Also 1hp or 1.5 HP pump? 24ft round above ground pool with 54in walls. Thanks!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/18/2015 

bfluellen - I would recommend something like a "Hayward Xstream Filter 100 Sq Ft, 1 HP TL (Twist Lock)". If you would like to automate the operation of the system with a timer, look at "Xstream 100 Sq Ft Filter/1 HP Pump & Timer".

 Posted: 4/15/2015 

Hi. I am looking to replace my sand filter and 3/4 hp pump with Cartridge filter and stronger pump. I know this is not strong enough. Can you recommend the right size pump and sq ft cartridge needed for an above ground 24 ft round with 52" wall?
Thank you.


 Posted: 4/9/2015 

Thank you for the advice! Sounds like a great option for me.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/1/2015 

Missy - I would recommend you going to a sand filter. No lifting - just set the filter valve to "backwash" every 2 weeks or so for 5 minutes to clean the filter. For your size pool I would recommend a 1.5 HP pump/filter set like "Hayward S180T Filter w/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump" or if you want an built in timer to automatically control on/off times - "Hayward Pump & Filter S180T Filter W/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump & Timer".

 Posted: 3/31/2015 

We have an 18x33 oval above ground and I need to replace the pump and filter system; we have a cartridge system that is really hard to work with, and now that my husband is gone I need something I can do myself. What would you suggest for ease of use but still would keep the pool sanitary? One additional comment, I'm probably adding a solar heater so it'll have to pump through that as well.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 3/24/2015 

bardster - We generally recommend a Hayward S180T or S210T sand filter for a 1.5 HP pump. They hold 150 lbs and 200 lbs of sand respectively. So a 50 lb filter would be too small for this pump.