How To Select Above Ground Pool Pumps


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The pool pump is the heart of your above ground pool; it ensures your water stays healthy by moving it through your filter and chlorinator. Having the wrong pump can mean your pool water will get cloudy, green, and nasty. In this guide, we'll walk you through on how to size your above ground pool pump.


Step by Step


Step 1

Sizing above ground pool pumps is much simpler than their inground counterparts. Above ground pool pumps are generally below the waterline thereby gravity fed, with minimal plumbing between it and its suction ports. The simplicity the pool’s plumbing allows you to size the pump by pool size alone (most times.)

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps

Step 2

Round Pools: The chart shows the normal manufacturer pump sizing recommendations for pool sizes. The horsepower overlaps on the “tweener” sized pools 15’ is a small to medium, and 27’ is medium to large.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 8’ to 15’ Round
  • 1 Horsepower: 15’ to 24’ Round
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 24’ to 36’ Round

Step 3

Oval Pools: Similar to the round pools, the horsepower recommendations overlap for some models. If your pool falls in one of these overlap areas, then consider how much swimmer traffic you expect. Light to moderately used pools, choose the lower HP, for higher swimmer loads, choose the step up.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 12’ X 17’ to 12’ X 24’
  • 1 Horsepower: 12’ X 24’ to 15’ X 27’
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 15’ X 27’ to 18’ X 33’

Step 4

Reasons to step up horsepower: Longer than standard plumbing lines and/or pool accessories may require you to make the jump to the next highest horsepower to ensure proper flow rates. Common causes for larger pumps
  • Suction line from the skimmer to pump is longer than 15-feet
  • You’re planning to use a suction cleaner, e.g. the Hayward Navigator, The Pool Cleaner, and Kreepy Krauly
  • Adding solar panels, especially ones mounted on roofs or fences increase the strain on the pump, requiring extra HP oomph

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps


(441 to 480 of 630)

 Posted: 5/29/2014 

I recently purchased a Intex Sand Filter Pump 2100 Gallons. I would like to replace the filter and pump hoses with 9 ft hoses due to location. Will this impact effectiveness of the sand pump.

Thank you


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/25/2014 

petnzoo - I would recommend a sand filter set like this one for easiest maintenance and for your size pool: Hayward Pump & Filter S166T Filter W/ 1 HP Matrix Pump. You just turn a valve dial once every 1 or 2 weeks to backwash the sand to clean it. See our guide on “How To Backwash a Pool Sand Filter”. You would have to have someone replace the sand every 5-7 years. A cartridge filter is also an option, but you would have to lift the cartridge out of the tank every 1-2 weeks to clean it.

 Posted: 5/23/2014 

'Hi! I have a 24' round pool. I am currently running a Hayward perflex extended cycle filter. It is an older model, and I am now older and disabled, and this is too much work for me now. Many nuts and bolts to remove to get element out for cleaning, and it's hard to clean. I am also on a fixed and limited budget. I need something easier to maintain, that won't cost a fortune. What type of filter/pump assembly would you recommend, and why? Please help!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/15/2014 

bigharrisfamily - It may well be your extension cord. It has to be heavy duty and if more than 50' from the supply box, you should probably be running 10 gauge wire. Try running two cords to the units to see if that works temporarily.

 Posted: 5/14/2014 

We have a intex 15 x 48 above ground with a 637 Krystal clear pump. I recently bought a Krystal clear saltwater model cs8110 that says it will operate with a 700 to 4000 gph. I plugged everything in and pump run on couple minutes then shut off then back on..then smoke. Is my pump too small..I am running both off one extension cord..could this be the problem or the pump...

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/7/2014 

AG pool pump & filter - We generally recommend a Game SandPro 75 Pool Filter System as a better alternative to the Intex system at a comparable price. Here our guide on how to install it: Game SandPro Filter.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/6/2014 

We have a 24-foot above ground pool we have to buy a new pump/filter system for. I was looking at a couple of different options. A 16" Intex sand filter system which states it has a 0.95-Hp pump for pools up to 21,200 gallons. I was also looking at Sand Master Filter Systems; however they do not state the Hp of their systems. It is instead rated by gallons per minute. How do I know what I would need in that instance? Also, are there any benefits of one over the other? Are either of these systems good or is there another system that may be better? Thanks!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/5/2014 

Chris - We generally recommend a 1 HP pump for your size pool.

 Posted: 5/3/2014 

I have a 10,000 gallon above ground pool with a sand filter (15" diameter) - the Pump I am replacing is illegible - what HP do I need? Thanks!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/21/2014 

Steven Espinal - We recommend a Hayward EC50C Perflex Filter W/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump & Timer for your size above ground pool.

 Posted: 2/17/2014 

I'm installing an above ground pool in my home country. I plan for it to be 26x49 what tank and filter would you guys recommend?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/16/2013 

green look - You might try backwashing more frequently or if your sand hasn't been changed in the last 5 years, you might try changing it.

Anonymous  Posted: 9/15/2013 

I have a 28' round AG pool (sand filter, 1.5 hp pump) and have always had to use direct connect to vacuum effectively. I've never been able to maintain adequate suction using the connector/plate provided. Additionally, this summer I have had to frequently vacuum to waste in order to keep the bottom clean. The pool always seems to have a "green" look. Does this mean the filter is wearing out?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/26/2013 

catfan - Most pumps on AG pools are small and designed to operate with short hoses. If your pump is 1/2 or 3/4 HP, you probably have to locate your pump close to the base of the pool. It your pump is 1 HP, it may be able to pump the additional length of water - say an additional 10-15 feet. These are gravity fed pumps. Make sure that wherever you place the pump that it is below the surface of the pool.

 Posted: 8/26/2013 

I would like to move my filter and pump. I have a 24' round pool. How far away from the pool can I go without compromise?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/21/2013 

DE filter replacement - We just replace a customer’s DE filter with a cartridge filter for the same issues you have. See our guide on "How to Replace a Pool System DE filter with a Cartridge Filter". You will find a cartridge filter much easier to maintain with generally better flow.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/20/2013 

I have a 24' pool wi need a new filter system..our d.e.system that we have now does not work proudly, atleast that's what I think. We clean out our filter atleast once a day...its crazy. .. and I can't stand taking that apart....I want something that is easy to maintain and gets the water moving. We have solar panels attached and theres not enough pressure to get the water warm enough.
Do you have any recommendations for me or help?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/8/2013 

subee - Your pool size is on the border for using a 1 HP or a 1 1/2 HP pump, so your pump/filter setup might have been slightly undersized. Sand filters take up the more space compared to cartridge filters. I couldn't find any information on your new valterra filter but I assume by its size it has greater filtering capacity than your old sand filter. There is no such thing as too large a filter. It will do a better job of filtering and you will not have to backwash it as often. If you don't like the larger size, you could switch to a cartridge filter.which has the same filtering capacity for a much smaller size.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/8/2013 

iimg1969 - First check that your pool's bottom drain is not clogged so that you are getting flow off the bottom. Then consider replacing the filter. That's a fairly small filter for your size pool. Consider replacing it with a cartridge with a larger filtration area like a Hayward Star Clear Plus 90 Sq Ft. Filter 1 1/2" Ports. Lastly, most AG pools cannot use saltwater because their frames are made of steel and the saltwater will corrode the steel.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/8/2013 

pmcd - I would go with the 1 HP two speed Dynamo. I would guess that your current filter is sized for a 1 HP motor and your pool size doesn't need a larger pump even with the solar panels. You should be able to buy the cord at any hardware store.

 Posted: 7/7/2013 

Hi I have a Hayward power flo matrix pump that is 1 horsepower with sf of 1. My pool is 24' X 48". Yesterday the pool store sold us a valterra sand filter (model # B8318 CP) with the following dimensions 49.5 cm. X 49.5 cm. X 90 cm. Is this the correct size? It looks huge next to the one we are replacing, which was a Splash Pac by Jacuzzi that height was 23" tank diameter 16" flowrate 35 GPM.. I am dumb at conversions :( Please tell me if I have the right filter for pump and pool size. Or was my old one too small???? So confused.

 Posted: 7/7/2013 

i have a 16x32 above ground 54In,one side of pool 48ch deepis 60 in deep. It has underground filtration on deep side, but we can not seem to get pool water cleared on deep end. We have a haywood s180t sand filter and 1hp 2speed pump set up. Do you think it is a filtration issue? Sand changed last year. Is the pump large enough? We are considering switching to a saltwater set up because of the clarity of water. Advise?

Anonymous  Posted: 7/7/2013 

i have a 16x32 above ground 48Inch deep,one side of pool is 60 in deep. It has underground filtration on deep side, but we can not seem to get pool water cleared on deep end. We have a haywood s180t sand filter and 1hp 2speed pump set up. Do you think it is a filtration issue? Sand changed last year. Is the pump large enough? We are considering switching to a saltwater set up because of the clarity of water. Advise?

 Posted: 7/5/2013 

We have a 12.5'x21.5'x52" on-ground pool. The pool is 29" below ground and 23" above and the water depth is 4'. There is a salt water system and a solar panel heater which is on a flat roof roughly 10' above the ground. We currently use a Pentair Dynamo 1 HP (11 amps at full load) pump. It is 7 or 8 years old. It is quite noisy and am looking for a quiet pump that is 115v. Would I be able to use a 2-speed 1 HP pump from Waterway (8.8amps /2.x) or would I require their 1.5 HP version which is 11amps/2.9 or perhaps something else? Most in-ground pumps seem to be 220volts which I prefer to avoid (the VS pumps from Hayward are truly neat and quiet but are 220v only). Pentair has a two speed Dynamo with no power chord. Do you the buy a power chord to plug into our GFI outlets or are these custom items? Thanks... Philip

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/5/2013 

cthom74 - If you are looking for a pump/filter set with a cartridge filter for your AG pool, we would recommend the Hayward 40 Sq. Ft. Filter W/ 1 HP Pump.

 Posted: 7/4/2013 

We bought an Intex Ultra Frame 12x24x52 pool last August and everything has been great until about 2 months ago. The pump constantly gives low flow so they sent us a new pump, still does it, it also pushes sand back into the pool no matter how much I backwash. I am done with this thing and would love a recomendation on a new cartridge system that is big enough to keep it clean, it is green now.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/30/2013 

Jole - Two considerations: You may just need a heavier extension cord. Your pump may be pulling more amps than the cord can handle. Or you may have your pump voltage configured wrong. It your supply voltage is 115V and your pump motor is set up for 230V, you would have to change the motor to 115V. See instruction on the motor label. Make sure your supply voltage is 115V before you change the motor to 115V. If the supply voltage is 230V and you set your motor to 115V, you will fry the motor.

 Posted: 6/29/2013 

We recently purchased a Splash Pool 16X32 pool about 42"deep off of craigslist. Tried getting it up and running with extension cord until we get permanent electrical in and we can run the pump for about 20 seconds and it shuts off. It is not flipping the breaker it is just shutting off? Any ideas? It is a 1.5 HP pump and we are hoping its just something to do with our electricity set up at the moment and will work fine when we get permanent line in. But I am definitely worried something is wrong with our pump. Thoughts?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/17/2013 

MW - If you are switching out the complete pump - Hayward Matrix for a Sta-Rite JWPA, it should be a fairly clean swap. You may have to do some minor adjustments on the piping to the pumps ports.

 Posted: 6/16/2013 

Thank you for the info. Currently I have a Sta-rite JWPAS5F-2A4. Does the SP15932S have the same fitting/connector sizes ? I am looking to do a clean swap out, but if there are any differences, I would like to know and what additional items I may need. Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2013 

MW - We don't have any Above Ground EE pumps other than the 2-speeds. Here's a link to our 1 1/2 HP Hayward 2-speed pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2013 

Pump match to S180T Filter - For an Above Ground Pool, we would recommend a 1 HP Hayward Matrix pump as a good match for your Hayward S180T filter.

 Posted: 6/13/2013 

Forgot to add, 21x41 oval pool 25,000 gallons of water.

 Posted: 6/13/2013 

I am looking for a energy efficient pump to replace the current 1 1/2 pump. I have 21x41 oval pool with a Sta-rite sand filter. Recommendation ?

Anonymous  Posted: 6/12/2013 

What's the best pump for a Hayward Pro Series High Rate Sand filter? Model # is S180T.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/12/2013 

Ldyk71 - We generally recommend a 1.5 HP pump for your size AG pool.

 Posted: 6/11/2013 

I have an above ground pool 16,000 gallons and 27 sq feet! Should I get a 1.5 hp replacement pool pum or a 2 hp??

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/2/2013 

TrotterT - We usually recommend a 1 HP pump for your size pool with a compatible filter. See our AG pool Pump and Filter Sets.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/2/2013 

TrotterT - We usually recommend a 1 HP pump for your size pool with a compatible filter. See our AG pool Pump and Filter Sets.

 Posted: 5/31/2013 

I recently purchased a Mean Green Machine Sand Filter System with a 1/2 HP pump, the filter holds 40lbs of sand. My pool is a 12x24 rectangular pool with 4 feet walls. Is the equipment I purchased adequate for my pool ?


