How To Select Above Ground Pool Pumps


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The pool pump is the heart of your above ground pool; it ensures your water stays healthy by moving it through your filter and chlorinator. Having the wrong pump can mean your pool water will get cloudy, green, and nasty. In this guide, we'll walk you through on how to size your above ground pool pump.


Step by Step


Step 1

Sizing above ground pool pumps is much simpler than their inground counterparts. Above ground pool pumps are generally below the waterline thereby gravity fed, with minimal plumbing between it and its suction ports. The simplicity the pool’s plumbing allows you to size the pump by pool size alone (most times.)

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps

Step 2

Round Pools: The chart shows the normal manufacturer pump sizing recommendations for pool sizes. The horsepower overlaps on the “tweener” sized pools 15’ is a small to medium, and 27’ is medium to large.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 8’ to 15’ Round
  • 1 Horsepower: 15’ to 24’ Round
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 24’ to 36’ Round

Step 3

Oval Pools: Similar to the round pools, the horsepower recommendations overlap for some models. If your pool falls in one of these overlap areas, then consider how much swimmer traffic you expect. Light to moderately used pools, choose the lower HP, for higher swimmer loads, choose the step up.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 12’ X 17’ to 12’ X 24’
  • 1 Horsepower: 12’ X 24’ to 15’ X 27’
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 15’ X 27’ to 18’ X 33’

Step 4

Reasons to step up horsepower: Longer than standard plumbing lines and/or pool accessories may require you to make the jump to the next highest horsepower to ensure proper flow rates. Common causes for larger pumps
  • Suction line from the skimmer to pump is longer than 15-feet
  • You’re planning to use a suction cleaner, e.g. the Hayward Navigator, The Pool Cleaner, and Kreepy Krauly
  • Adding solar panels, especially ones mounted on roofs or fences increase the strain on the pump, requiring extra HP oomph

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps


(401 to 440 of 630)

 Posted: 3/24/2015 

i have a 1.5 hayward pump for a 25ft round 53" deep above ground pool. what size sand filter do i need for this. i have a sand filter for my old system that holds a little less than 50 lbs of sand, will this work with my 1.5 HP pump??

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 3/16/2015 

Kat - The name brand pump/filter sets are generally much quieter than the less expensive sets that generally come with the above ground pool packages. I would recommend buying a set from this list of pump filter sets: "Above Ground Pool Pump and Filter". 1 HP should be sufficient for your size pool.

 Posted: 3/15/2015 

Hey! I'm sure it's been answered but...we have a 24 ft round above ground...our filter is old and sooooo loud it literally keeps our neighbors up so we shut it off at night...can you recommend a newer system for us? We have a filter system now which I don't mind, just want something newer and quieter!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 3/10/2015 

larry - I think you are asking about buying a 1 HP 2 speed or "1.5" HP 2 speed pump. Your size pool is on the border of either a 1 HP of 1.5 HP pump. If this is a standard above ground pool, a 1 HP should be sufficient.

 Posted: 3/9/2015 

Hi Im buying a 24ft by 54 round Is a waterway 1.hp 2 speed ok or 1hp 2 speed ? Thanks.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/20/2015 

chico - A 1HP size pump will work fine for your size pool. Hayward and Jacuzzi are both good pumps. We do sell more Haywards than Jacuzzis because they are better known. However, the Jacuzzis are on sale now.

 Posted: 2/18/2015 

I have a 15x30 AG in need of new pump and filter. Would the 1hp models be sufficient? Any big differences between the hayward and jacuzzi?

 Posted: 2/15/2015 

Thank you very much for the detailed response we are extremely grateful

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/14/2015 

Sharon - For a better than average pump/filter system, I would recommend the "Hayward Pump & Filter S166T Filter w/ 1 HP Matrix Pump & Timer". I would get the one with a timer to control how long to run the pump each day. For the best quality AG pool SCG, I would suggest the "AquaTrol Salt Chlorine Generator". The AquaTrol has much more titanium coating on the blades of the salt cell which makes the salt cell last much longer. The AquaTrol comes in several models. You can get in an HP model which would be installed in the plumbing next to your pool pump or you can get it in an RJ model which would hook up directly to the return jet on your pool. Lastly the AquaTrol is available with a standard 3 prong plug or a Twist Lock depending on the electrical receptacle you have available to you. For a skimmer, the dimensions of a wall skimmer are generally specific to the pool so you should probably buy what's offered with the pool.

 Posted: 2/12/2015 

We purchased the mirage 21' round pool by mighty sun. It is a resin pool because we want to have salt water. Could you please recommend a good filter, pump in wall skimmer and salt water generator. Thank you very much. Sharon

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/12/2015 

AG pool Cleaner - Try this one. It's automatic, made for AG pools, and connects into your pool's skimmer. You should remove it when you add chemicals - Above Ground Pool Cleaner - PF Vac.

Anonymous  Posted: 2/9/2015 

I have a 24' round pool and would like a cleaning system (pump) that would not require me to vacuum the bottom of the pool (like ever). Is there one out there?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/8/2014 

Darcy - We have small submersible pump/filter sets for fountains and larger pump/filters set for pools. Not sure what your body of water is for but at 2250 gallons it sounds like it needs a set that falls between what we sell. Our fountain pumps (up to 1/20 HP) are too small and our smallest pool pump (1/2 HP) is too large. I suggest going on line and looking for a set that has about 1/10 to 1/5 HP.

 Posted: 9/5/2014 

Could you help me select a filter/pump system for a very small custom built pool that will be only 100 square feet and 3 feet deep?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/23/2014 

Hi Drew - Thanks for the comment. As to recommendations for an AG pool pump and DE filter set, we have had very good reviews on the Hayward set that includes a "Perflex DE Filter and Matrix Pump". For an AG pool chlorinator, the "Hayward Offline Chlorinator For Above Ground Pools" and the "Rainbow 300 Offline Chlorinator" are our most popular brands. See our linked guides for more information.

 Posted: 8/22/2014 

This is honestly the most helpful pool site that i have seen, and I have been searching for 2 years, so thank you!

15' round pool, replacing pump this year. Any recommendations on DE pumps, and a corresponding chlorinator?

thanks again, keep up the fantastic work!


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/12/2014 

Stephen - See our guide on "How To Upgrade an Intex Pool Pump and Filter System". It shows you how to replace the Intex Pump/Filter system with a better quality Game Sand Pro Pump/Filter system. It also shows how to integrate it with an existing Intex SCG.

 Posted: 8/12/2014 

We have an Intex 12'x24'x52" Inex above ground pool using salt water to create chlorine through an attached chlorine generator. It uses the Krystal Clear Sand Filter Pump 14" Salt Water system. The pump has stopped working and we would like to replace it with a more robust and reliable pump. Could you please recommend what pump/filter combination we should use and would your recommendation work with the chlorine generator that came with the Intex system?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/6/2014 

jlittle239 - I would recommend the Pentair Skid Pak Clean & Clear 75 Sq. Ft. 1 H.P Pump. It is $20 more than the smaller 50 sq ft cartridge filter but will last longer and require less cleaning. You will probably have to buy fittings to adapt your pool's piping to the filter/pump set.

 Posted: 8/6/2014 

hello, i have a 22x52 intex pool. Can you recommend the best pump/filter needed to keep this pool clean? It holds 10,500 gallons of water too.I do not want a sand pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/25/2014 

Lou - For an economical replacement for a Intex pump/filter system, we would recommend the Game SandPro 50 Pool Filter System. Here's a link to our guide on how to replace the system:

 Posted: 7/25/2014 

I have an 18 round 4 ft Intex pool and am looking to replace the pump. What would be the best replacement?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/5/2014 

Doug - I you haven't replaced your sand in 5 years or more, you should do that now. Oils and debris may be embedded in your sand and it may be to the point when backwashing is not getting the sand clean.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/5/2014 

ambowers - This Hayward set is a popular sand filter/pump set for your size pool: Hayward S210T Filter w/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump.

 Posted: 7/4/2014 

Hi, I need help!!!

I have a 30x54 above ground pool. I love everything about it except cleaning it, taking the filter out, cleaning it, putting it back in, repeat, takes forever.

so I want a sand filter, my question is what kind? I will need new everything, please advise, I am tired of my old one.



InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/29/2014 

low suction - A 1 HP pump should work fine in a 24' pool for circulation and suction cleaning. Check that you don't have clogs in your cleaner, your pump or the line between them.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/28/2014 

I have a 24 ft. Above ground pool and purchased a new 1hp. Pump to replace my old 1 1/2 hp. Pump , I was told the 1 hp. Pump is all I needed but for some reason when cleaning the pool the suction it has isn't enough to clean the bottom of the pool is the 1 hp enough to clean the pool

 Posted: 6/24/2014 

We have an above ground 17 ft diameter 48" deep summer escapes metal frame pool that we are wanting to add a good filter/pump on to. Possibly making it a salt water pool. Also need a new vacuum for the pool. What would you recommend??? Thanks!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/24/2014 

Aqua Tools pump - Yes you can go from a 2-speed pump to a single speed pump. If your pool is larger than 24' round, you can change to a 1 1/2 HP pump. If smaller, stay with the smaller pump.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/23/2014 

I have an Aqua Tools 1 1/16 hsp two speed pump. Can I switch to a single speed 1 1/2 hsp pump?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/22/2014 

Johanna - That's a fairly small pool, less than 8,000 gallons. For an economical solution, I would recommend the "Hayward VL Series Sand Filter Systems' for pools under 11,000 gallons and the "Chlorease Ultra By SmartPool,CL02" for an above ground pool SCG.

 Posted: 6/22/2014 

Thank you for your honest and education on pool pumps. I was going to by a higher rated HP as a replacement for pool because I also thought the same way you indicated the more HP the better. So I will buy a 1HP not a 1 1/2 HP for our 18 foot round pool.
Thank you


 Posted: 6/20/2014 

I am getting a 12x24 54" oval pool. We are hoping to do saltwater. What would you recommend for a pump and saltwater chlorinator for this size pool?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2014 

Christy - For your size pool I would recommend a Hayward Pump/Filter S210T Filter w/ 1.5 HP Matrix Pump & Timer. The Timer would allow you to just run 8-10 hours a day. Your pool was probably packaged for either an overlap liner or a beaded liner. You will want to buy the original type of liner because the attaching hardware will be different.

 Posted: 6/14/2014 

I have bought a used 30' round above ground pool without a pump/filter. What would you recommend for me to buy? I have to buy a liner also. Any help would be appreciated!!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2014 

tim f - Whether or not you have salt water does not affect pump size. For your size pool, we generally recommend a 1HP uprated pump. Uprated pumps will have a low SF - typically 1.0 to 1.1.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/6/2014 

Replace filter option - It would be cheaper to just replace your AG pool filter, but if your filter failed, the existing pump may not be far behind. I would replace the whole set.

 Posted: 6/5/2014 

I got an 18 ft round 48in deep pool 2in hoses.I want to go salt water what size pump recommend.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/4/2014 

We are looking to replace our above 18 foot round above ground pool filter. We are thinking it would be cheaper just to replace the filter and motor. Is that the best option??

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/31/2014 

Erin52 - Going to 9' hoses should not have a significant effect on system effectiveness.