How To Select Above Ground Pool Pumps


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The pool pump is the heart of your above ground pool; it ensures your water stays healthy by moving it through your filter and chlorinator. Having the wrong pump can mean your pool water will get cloudy, green, and nasty. In this guide, we'll walk you through on how to size your above ground pool pump.


Step by Step


Step 1

Sizing above ground pool pumps is much simpler than their inground counterparts. Above ground pool pumps are generally below the waterline thereby gravity fed, with minimal plumbing between it and its suction ports. The simplicity the pool’s plumbing allows you to size the pump by pool size alone (most times.)

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps

Step 2

Round Pools: The chart shows the normal manufacturer pump sizing recommendations for pool sizes. The horsepower overlaps on the “tweener” sized pools 15’ is a small to medium, and 27’ is medium to large.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 8’ to 15’ Round
  • 1 Horsepower: 15’ to 24’ Round
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 24’ to 36’ Round

Step 3

Oval Pools: Similar to the round pools, the horsepower recommendations overlap for some models. If your pool falls in one of these overlap areas, then consider how much swimmer traffic you expect. Light to moderately used pools, choose the lower HP, for higher swimmer loads, choose the step up.

  • ¾ Horsepower: 12’ X 17’ to 12’ X 24’
  • 1 Horsepower: 12’ X 24’ to 15’ X 27’
  • 1-1/2 Horsepower: 15’ X 27’ to 18’ X 33’

Step 4

Reasons to step up horsepower: Longer than standard plumbing lines and/or pool accessories may require you to make the jump to the next highest horsepower to ensure proper flow rates. Common causes for larger pumps
  • Suction line from the skimmer to pump is longer than 15-feet
  • You’re planning to use a suction cleaner, e.g. the Hayward Navigator, The Pool Cleaner, and Kreepy Krauly
  • Adding solar panels, especially ones mounted on roofs or fences increase the strain on the pump, requiring extra HP oomph

Click Here to View our Above Ground Pool Pumps


(161 to 200 of 630)

 Posted: 6/29/2017 

Hi INYO. We recently purchased a used Bestway AG 16ft round pool. We are having a lot of water issues due to metals in our well water. I'm starting to think the pump that came with the pool is too to properly filter and clean the entire pool (also have no backwashing feature) Is there a filter/pump system that you recommend for use with our size pool and would maybe work better than others with out hard metal filled well water?

Anonymous  Posted: 6/29/2017 

We have a 16x32 ft above ground pool, pump seems to small that came with it what size do we need

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/27/2017 

Tracey - Your 26x52 pool holds about 16,000 gallons of water. For this size pool, I would recommend a Waterway Carefree 19" Sand Filter & 1.5 HP 1Spd Pump. It is both economical and reliable and is built by one of the leading pump/filter manufacturers.

 Posted: 6/27/2017 

I have a Colman 26x52 pool. We currentlyuse the pump that came with pool. We really want to switch to sand pump. What do you recommend for a pump?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/27/2017 

Anonymous (AG Pump) - If you are looking for a reliable pump, for your size pool, I'd recommend the Hayward VL Series Sand Filter System. You would have to buy it as a filter/pump set so the filter is large enough to handle the pump GPM.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/26/2017 

Mvee - Your pool contains about 13,000 gallons of water. We would recommend buying a 1 HP pump for that size pool and the filter should be able to handle about 25% more GPM water flow than the pump generates. A 1 HP pump typically generates between 50 - 70 GPM so you would want a filter that is designed for up to 90 GPM.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/26/2017 

I have a above ground pool and I need a pump. The filter hangs on the side of pool. It is a 16x48.

 Posted: 6/24/2017 

My pump died and I have to buy a new pump. I have a sand filter. I have a 24 ft round above ground pool. What kind of pump do I buy? Does it have to cordinate with my sand filter? Can I use my old hose? I have a sunbrite sand filter.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/24/2017 

kellyjgraham - I would recommend buying a Hayward VL Series Sand Filter System. If you are looking for a reliable pump, you will probably need a larger and more reliable filter that matches the water flow of the pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/23/2017 

Sady - I would suggest buying a Hayward Above Ground VL Series Pump and Filter. If you are going to upgrade your pump, you will have to buy a filter that will match the GPM water flow of the pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/23/2017 

Meat - Like you say, it would be much more than your need, but it would probably work. You'd just be turning your pool water over many more times a day than required. You could probably get away with just running the big pump 2-3 hours a day.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/23/2017 

Rich - Unfortunately, we do not sell the bases with just the filter. You would have to buy the whole pump/filter set. Alternately, a separate base comes with the filter and the motor can be bolted down to the slab or left loose.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/22/2017 

Anonymous (pump/filter set) - Your pool size is just under 9000 gallons. I would recommend a Hayward VL Series Sand Filter Systems for your size pool. It is a very reliable system good for up to 11,000 gallons.

 Posted: 6/22/2017 

I have a round 15 foot above ground pool (3/4ft of water) that came with my house 3 yrs ago, the last 2 motors have burnt out, one was new but it was made for an intex pool which mine is not, we have tried earth and sand filters, at different times, what is my best option that is not going to burn out after a couple months?! do i need to replace only the pump or the pump and filter?

 Posted: 6/21/2017 

We have a summer escapes above ground round pool, the kind with the metal frame, which measures 15 ft x 48 inches. We filled it and found out that the pump is no longer working. What do I need that I can possibly hook onto the old unit or something similar as the pool is older, so don't want to spend alot of money and have something else go out.

 Posted: 6/21/2017 

I have a small 10' round x 24" deep pool for my kids but the cheapplication cartridge filter semi very underpowered. I gave access to a 1 hp haywood pump and DE filter. I know it would be excessive for my size pool but other than energy consumption would there be any drawbacks to using this setup?

 Posted: 6/21/2017 

Got a 24' round pool x 48" deep. Have a Hayward 1hp pump, works great. Need new filter. All the filters I see now have a round bottom, I have one with a triangular bottom that fits into a base that accepts it. Do these new filters come with a base that I can reattach my old (2 years old) pump to? Suggeations please.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/20/2017 

i just moved into a home and i have a 18 ft round, 54 inch deep above ground pool .. I want to change the pump and filter as they are very old. Recommendations ??

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/19/2017 

Anonymous (Coleman pool) - Your pool contains about 13,000 gallons of water. I would recommend the Pureline 1 HP Above Ground Pool Pump - NE6170B as an economical option for a replacement pump for your size pool. Pureline is relatively new on the market but is equivalent those sold by Hayward and Pentair. You may also have to buy a new filter to match the GPM of your new pump.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/19/2017 

Aperry94 - Your current pump/filter system has very low water flow -less than 9 GPH. These systems tend to be poorly designed and generally fail within the first year. I would recommend a Waterway TWM-30 System 16" Sand 1/2" HP, with Trap for your pool. It is a reliable system and will provide you with the water flow you need.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/19/2017 

Jcalva - I would recommend a Waterway TWM-30 System 16" Sand 1/2" HP, with Trap for your size pool. Pools like your current system have pumps with 1/8 HP or less. They are very inefficient and tend to fail within the year.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/18/2017 

We have a Coleman above ground pool that is 18x24 and our pump quit after a year. We are looking to replace and want the cheapest option but the best flow. Can you recommend anything?

 Posted: 6/17/2017 

I just bought a 15'x33in pool and we have the standard pump that came with it (110-120 volt Filter Pump with 530 gallon (2,006 L) per hour flow rate) but it isn't doing anything any recommendation on what pump to get I don't know if we just need a more powerful one or what to do.

 Posted: 6/17/2017 

I hoping you can help me out. I have an above ground pool 18X9X4ft deep the sand filter that it came with never worked not sure of the horsepower of the pump that it came with,from the beginning it let sand trough and did not filter any particals. Every time I run the pump I end up with sand at the bottom of the pool. it holds 4800 gallons what would be the best filter pump combo you would recommend I replace it with

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/14/2017 

Anonymous (filter/pump match) - Yes, Your existing 1 HP pump will work with your new 16" sand filter as long as it has an upgraded motor - SF = 1.0 or 1.1.

Anonymous  Posted: 6/13/2017 

We are converting from a cartridge filter to sand. 16" hayward. Can we still stick with our 1 horse power pump?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/13/2017 

Roger - I'd recommend a Hayward Sand Filter with Top Mount Valve 18" Tank for your size pool and pump.

 Posted: 6/11/2017 

I have a 22x52 above ground pool with 1.5 hp pump, what size sand filter do I need

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/11/2017 

Iwannadecentpool - I'd recommend the Chlorease Ultra - Salt Chlorine Generator for A/G Pools for a reliable AG pool salt water system.

 Posted: 6/8/2017 

We want to upgrade from a 14ft 36in pool to a 16ft by 48in pool with a good (reliable) salt water system, what do you recommend?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/5/2017 

BrittaS - A DE filter would be the best filtration system of the three choices: sand, cartridge, and DE. And we generally recommend a 1 1/2 HP above ground pump for your size pool. Here is a link to a good option for your requirements - Hayward EC50C Perflex Filter w/ 1 HP Matrix Pump.

 Posted: 6/4/2017 

We have an above ground 27' pool which is about 5ft deep.
We need to upgrade the cartridge filter and pump and are not sure with what to go. I'm not happy with the cartridge filter's cleaning results (after vacuuming you have the feeling that all is just washed back into the pool) and my husband hates the fiber glass housing.
What can you recommend for a pool that size? Would DE be a good option for us to get a cleaner pool?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/30/2017 

DiamondDa - I would recommend the 1 1/2 HP pump and your existing 19" sand filter should be large enough to accommodate the larger pump. If you just replace the motor, you may have to upgrade the pump's impeller and diffuser. You should also buy the appropriate GOKIT to replace the motor's shaft seal and gaskets.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/29/2017 

Judybug - I have heard of some people putting a little DE powder in the cartridge filters. You could try it in your sand filter but the sand might not be able to hold the DE powder and it might wash into your pool.

 Posted: 5/28/2017 

I have an 18x33 pool with a 19" sandfilter and 1hp pump. We have had it for roughly 5 years. The pump has finally died. I feel that the 1hp was just not enough and am considering the 1.5hp. Would that me too much?

 Posted: 5/27/2017 

Can you add D.E. to sand for a sand filter? Mixing D.E. in with sand?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/20/2017 

Meme - You cannot combine a salt chlorine generation (SCG) system and a filtration system into one system. They provide two separate functions. The SCG system breaks down the salt to produce chlorine. The filtration system uses a filter to clear impurities the pool water. You need both systems if you want a salt pool.

 Posted: 5/19/2017 

Where does a salt filtration system fall into play? I have been trying to figure out is a salt better than sand (less cleaning etc


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/18/2017 

Darrell - I would drop down to a 1 HP pump. Make sure it is an above ground pump. You don't have to replace the filter. Most dealers recommend having a larger than needed filter. Lasts longer and requires less frequent cleaning.

 Posted: 5/17/2017 

I have a 18ft round above ground pool. Currently has a 1.5hp pump and cartridge filter. My pump is leaking and plan 2 replace. Should I stick with a 1.5 or can I go down to a 1h pump? Do I have to downsize the filter also?