How to Read and Adjust the Hayward Aqua Rite SCG Operational Values


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This guide describes the Display Readings on a Hayward Aqua Rite Salt Chlorine Generator (SCG) and links you to a series of guides that tell you have to adjust or recalibrate some of these values including: Average Salt Level; Units of Measure, Cell Size, and Inspect Cell Timer Value.

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Step by Step


Step 1

The Hayward Aqua Rite Salt Chlorine Generator displays a total of 9 diagnostic parameters that are accessed by pushing the Diagnostic button sequentially. The default display is the Average Salt Level.  If the button is not pushed for 30 seconds, the display will revert back to this salt display.

Step 2

Push 1, Pool Temperature - When you push the diagnostic button the first time, the display will show you the pool water temperature as it is measured inside the cell. The Temperature is displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius. The default unit is Fahrenheit. If you want to change the Temperature units of measurement to the English version of Celsius, see our guide on "How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG".

Step 3

Push 2, Cell Voltage - The Cell Voltage is typically 22.0 to 25.0 Volts when chlorine is being generated, otherwise it is 30 to 35 Volts.

Click Here to View Replacement Hayward AquaRite Parts

Step 4

Push 3, Cell Amperage - The cell's average amperage when chlorine is being generated varies with the size of cell installed: T-15 is 3.1 to 8.0 amps; T-9 is 2.3 to 6.7 amps; T-5 is 1.9 to 5.7 amps; and t-3 is 1.3 to 4.5 amps. When the cell is not generating chlorine the amperage is 0. If the amperage is below the applicable range, check the salt level and inspect and clean the cell.

Step 5

Push 4, Desired Output % - The percent of time the Cell in ON. Run from "0P" to "100P" depending on the knob position.

Step 6

Push 5, Instant Salt Level - The salt level that the System is calculating during the chlorination cycle. A "-" symbol is place in front of the number to distinguish it from the Average Salt Level.  Measured in ppm or grams/Liter depending on units of measure setting. To change units of measure,  see our guide on "How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG".

Step 7

Push 6, Program Code - This identifies the product. "AL-0" signifies "Aqua Rite"

Step 8

Push 7, Main Circuit Board Revision - This signifies the software revision level in the Main Circuit Board [currently r-1.59].

Step 9

Push 8, Cell Size - The Aqua Rite SCG uses one of 4 Cell sizes - t-15, t-9, t-5, or t-3. The Cell size displayed here has to match the installed cell to ensure proper operation including salt calculation. The cell install in this system is t-3. If this displayed and installed Cell size do not match, see our guide on "How To Change the Displayed Cell Size on an Aqua Rite SCG".

Click Here to View Replacement AquaRite Salt Cells

Step 10

Push 9, Average Salt Level (Default) - On the 9th push of the Diagnostic Button, the display returns to the default display value, "Average Salt Level". The Average Salt Level reading is a sliding window of Instant Salt Level readings sampled every 3 hours or so. The Average Salt Level should track fairly close to the Instant Salt Level but occasionally, after some events like adding salt or changing cells, the two levels are considerably out of sync. When this happens, the Average Salt Level must be recalibrated to the Instant Salt Level, See our guide on "How To Recalibrate the Salt Level on a Hayward Aqua Rite" for instructions on recalibration.

Step 11

"HI" Salt Display - The higher the salt level, the higher the amperage that is drawn by the Aqua Rite SCG.  If the three larger size cells draw over 10 Amps or the smallest cell draw over 8 amps, the SCG will shut down to prevent itself from overheating. Upon shutting down the display will show "HI". The "High Salt" LED will also illuminate to signal that the pool's salt level must be reduced. See our guide on "How To Reduce the Salt Level In Your Pool" for more information.

Step 12

Reset Inspect Cell Timer - An internal timer is set inside the Aqua Rite SCG to remind you to inspect and clean the Cell. If the "Inspect Cell" LED is flashing and the salt level is above 2700 ppm, the 500 hour timer has been exceeded. Inspect / clean the cell and then hold down the Diagnostic Button for 3-5 seconds to reset the timer for another 500 hours.

Step 13

LED Lights - For information on reading LED lights on the Aqua Rite SCG, see our guide on "How To Troubleshoot a Hayward Aqua Rite"


(1 to 40 of 104)

 Posted: 8/23/2022 

My reads “hot”. We’ve cleaned the cell, emptied the basket, all of that. The unit has only been up since first of July. What are we missing? I’m so frustrated!

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/30/2022 

Is the cell installed downstream of a pool or spa heater? What is the actual water temp?

 Posted: 8/19/2022 

I have an Aqua-Rite SCG with a T-9 cell. When I set the output % to a certain value on the display it will change on it’s own without the knob being adjusted. It will be 20P one day then 11P the next. Is there a fix for this?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/30/2022 

So, does the knob turn at all? It is still set at 20, but the display says 11 percent. My first guess was that the knob is loose and dropping down over time, but that doesn't sound like the case. What are the diagnostic menu voltage and amperage of the cell?

 Posted: 7/25/2022 

My Aqua-rite doesn't have a T cell option. I just replaced the salt cell with a Hayward TCELL940 ( which is supposed to be compatible with TCELL 15). Since I can't select what type of TCELL will it default to a TCELL 15? Also the diagnostic control panel was set on "AL-1" instead of "AL-0". I was having trouble with salt cell and wondering if that could have caused it. Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/28/2022 

What is your power center's software revision: 1.50 or higher?

 Posted: 7/19/2022 

I have average salt of 3100, temp 83 , voltage at 31.6, amp is reading 0 , 73 p, -0. Is this normal? Should it be -0 with 3100? Confused on amps being 31.6 but amps being zero. If anyone can help, please.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/22/2022 

If the amps show zero (0), then you should replace your Main PC Board (GLX-PCB-RITE).

 Posted: 7/23/2022 

Should I try cleaning the cell before buying that ?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/28/2022 

Yeah, go for it. It's a good idea to exhaust the cheaper fixes before committing to a hefty repair bill.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/30/2022 

Has anyone seen the code PCB? This happened after I cleaned my salt cell, tried to power it up again but wouldn’t start up. Called the pool company and they haven’t seen this before either.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/2/2022 

That generally means your AquaRite's Main PCB has been fried and needs replacing.

 Posted: 5/9/2022 

I cannot get the negative salt reading remove from my aqua right goal line how do I do that?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/11/2022 

Use this guide: How To Recalibrate the Salt Level on a Hayward Aqua Rite

 Posted: 5/1/2022 

My salt level is reading 0 at all times after replacing salt cell. I have the r 1.40 version -came with the house.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/2/2022 

What cell type did you buy? The older models only accept the TCELL15, and won't recognize the other models.

 Posted: 6/9/2022 

I have the same problem plus the temperature is reporting at 18c in a pool with 27c water. I am being told it is the Goldline control unit. Agree the control box (fw: r1.40) is hard jumper set to a T-15-CELL which is what I have attached. Which component in the Goldline box uses the temperature and salt values from the T15 cell? Is it the display board or the main board?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/9/2022 

The water temperature sensor is in the cell, you can try cleaning the TurboCell and if that doesn't clear the error you will need to replace the cell.

 Posted: 4/21/2022 

My T-15 Salt reading does not change from 2700. The only light that comes on is "No Flow" when starting/stopping the pump. Fuse checks good. Any pointers?

 Posted: 6/19/2022 

Need to replace your flow control switch. Part is less than $30 and install takes 60 seconds. It will be the black top’d piece that has a white wire running to your aqua rite controller.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/22/2022 

What do the cell voltage and amperage readings say in the diagnostics menu?Have you cleaned the cell?

 Posted: 9/10/2021 

I have a Hayward Aqualite t-9 SCG. Salt generator is 2 years old and recently cleaned. Check salt level light (solid) comes on. Instant salt reads 300….not the 3000+ required. Salt level has been tested to be around 3000 range. Have tried to recalibrate instant salt yet reading with (-) in front of it never changes from 300. Replaced main mother board and salt sensor Still getting same issue after several days of running. Any help would be much appreciated.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/13/2021 

Have you checked if your control is set to display US Standard or Metric? How to Change the Units of Measurement on an Aqua Rite SCG

 Posted: 9/13/2021 

Thank you for your response! Yes, I did try that. I changed the U of M and still get an incorrect reading. T-9 cell is set correctly along with 1.59 software version and AL-0.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/14/2021 

The two most likely suspects are the Main PCB or the cell. Because you have already replaced the board, I'd say the cell is bad. You can rule out the board by checking the amperage in both polarities. To do this, press the diagnostics button three times. This should bring up the amperage. Write that number down. To switch the polarity, move the main switch from Auto to Off and back to Auto. That will give you the amperage in the second polarity. If either one of those readings is 0, the board needs to be replaced.

 Posted: 9/13/2021 

Yes, I did try that yet salt reading did not change.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/14/2021 

The two most likely suspects are the Main PCB or the cell. Because you have already replaced the board, I'd say the cell is bad. You can rule out the board by checking the amperage in both polarities. To do this, press the diagnostics button three times. This should bring up the amperage. Write that number down. To switch the polarity, move the main switch from Auto to Off and back to Auto. That will give you the amperage in the second polarity. If either one of those readings is 0, the board needs to be replaced.

 Posted: 8/19/2021 

My cell is a TCELL940-W and my system is running version 1.59. After a power outage, I was getting no chlorine and the "check salt" and "check cell" lights were both on. The instant salt reading kept saying 700 when the actual salt reading, verified 3 ways, is 3000. What is the appropriate t setting, t3, t5, t9, or t15?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/20/2021 

Which cell size do you have? The answer would be the one you'd choose. If you have a T15 cell, pick the T15, and so on.

 Posted: 8/3/2021 

My display says "cold" instead of the salt level. The water temperature is over 89? however. The first number that appears when I push the diagnostics button is 0. What could cause this issue?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/4/2021 

The water temperature sensor is in the cell, you can try cleaning the TurboCell and if that doesn't clear the error you will need to replace the cell.

 Posted: 7/29/2021 

When I press the diagnostic button 9 times the LCD does not display the average salt reading (default display). If the diagnostic button is not pushed pushed for 30 seconds the display does not revert back to the average salt reading (default display). Help with this would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/3/2021 

Have you tried recalibrating the average salt level? Have you recently replaced the cell or added new salt? What are the cell's voltage and amperage readings in the diagnostic menu?

 Posted: 7/27/2021 

The last ice film on the display got damaged after replacement PCB board . Now most of the data is gone on the display?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/30/2021 

If the screen is damaged, then you need to replace the whole AquaRite display board - GLX-PCB-DSP or you need to get out the soldering iron to install a new LCD screen.

 Posted: 5/23/2021 

Brand new install no salt in pool yet but the average salt level shows 2800. Instant salt level is 0. Also I do not have the number 8 diagnostic which shows what chlorinator cell I should have. It is a T5 but i don't have the option to check from the control box.. Model W3AQ-TROL-RJ- TL.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 6/4/2021 

Are you waiting for the instant salt level to stabilize after you bring it up?  From Hayward's troubleshooting guide, "Press the ‘Diagnostics’ button 5 times, this will bring up the instant salt reading. The instant salt reading will start as -0. It will then fluctuate. Wait for the number to stabilize."This guide is not going to be completely applicable to your unit as this is for an AquaRite and you have an AquaTrol.

 Posted: 5/12/2021 

Does the aqua rite unit, depending on the output percentage, shut the cell on and off , or just raise or lower the voltage to generate the percentage set. I have a t-3 that I checked and noticed the voltage at 0 then I turned the knob higher and the cell clicked on.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 5/13/2021 

I believe the voltage is cut in between periods of chlorination. When you turned the cell up, what was the cell's voltage reading?

 Posted: 4/12/2021 

What is the ideal salt level supposed to be? I am 3100.