



Part # 3525-07

Manufacturer Code O-170

Dimensions 8-1/2" L X 8-1/2" X 1/2" D

Alternate Part #'s 3011215, 3011222, 791016, 79101600Z, 79101601Z, 7910160Z, 7910161, 791016N, AMP3011222, O-170, O170, 90-423-1170, AEQO170, ALDO-170-0, APCO2030, SPG-601-1108

Product Description

8-1/2" replacement lens gasket for the Pentair Amerlite and SAM lights.  Replaces the OEM lens gasket 79101600.

The lens gasket provides a seal between the face ring and glass lens to prevent water from getting inside the fixture.

It is strongly recommended to replace the lens gasket when replacing a pool light bulb.  Over time, use, heat, and chemicals will compress the gasket and can cause it to fail.  A light bulb change is the perfect opportunity to replace this very important seal.

Frequently Bought with this Lens Gasket

Clear Lens 79100100

Click here for replacement light bulbs


?     Asked on 6/26/2012by Guest

My inground pool was installed with a 120V Amerlite standard incandescent light fixture. After ~ 3 years water started seeping into the fixture, so I replaced the bulb and got a new gasket. The one I got was the white-colored OEM gasket. It has since been leaking even more than before. I've lubricated it, made sure everything was snug and re-inserted it to no avail. Do I need a new light fixture, or did I just get the wrong gasket for this light? (there's also a standard black-colored gasket). H

A  Answered on 6/26/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

I personally would try another gasket and would suggest the Extra Heavy Duty Guardian Gasket for the Pentair Amerilite If this does not work then the next step would be to replace the entire fixture with a new Complete Pentair Amerlite Fixture  If you did end up going with the new fixture then you would have an extra Gasket which may not be a bad thing as these do need to be replaced periodically.

?     Asked on 7/1/2015by ERV BARNES

when replacing pool light gasket. does the light housing go inside the gasket with lines

A  Answered on 7/1/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F.

Actually the light lens goes inside the gasket gap.

?     Asked on 7/26/2015by Inyo Visitor

Does this gasket work with the fixture that takes the NA704 replacement bulb?

A  Answered on 7/26/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F.

This gasket only works for the Pentair Amerilite and Sam light models but the bulb is used on multiple models. The specific light model would be needed to cross reference the correct gasket needed.

?     Asked on 6/5/2016by spiteri

Can't read the type all I see is it's American Product. Will this gasket fit?

A  Answered on 6/5/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Can you send us a photo with a measuring tape in the photo, showing the width of the light and the depth of the light.

?     Asked on 10/30/2016by Alan

Hello,I am looking for lens gasket for American products co.k996044, will this gasket work? Also pentair seems to be compatible with American products,are they the same company?thanks for your time,Alan

A  Answered on 10/31/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Adam Y.

Good morning Alan,  Yes Pentair bought American products and that gasket will work for you.Pentair Lens Gasket Amerlite & SAM Light (791016)


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Pliers

No problem

Written on 8/4/2023 by Guest

Just replaced the gasket since I was already upgrading the he pool light. Thank goodness I did.. after a few years of owning the pool the change was just on time

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Socket Set

Leaking pool lights

Written on 5/26/2021 by Guest

I started by removing the pool light from the niche. Each required a standard #2 Phillips screwdriver. Once I unwound the tucked-in wire, I was able to place the light onto the gutter of the pool. Some of our lights had bolts with Philips heads - others used a 3/8" socket nut/bolt. Once I removed the clamp screw, the need for cleaning became evident. Some of our lights are quite old, and the corrosion on the housing is evident. I gently scraped/wiped this corrosion, some algae and filth off of the mating surface of the housing. Likewise for the glass. In both cases, some stuck-on remains of the old gasket required very gentle scraping with a straight-end razor blade. Once everything was clean (and dry!), I installed the new gasket and clamp. I tightened down the bolt firmly, then coiled up the wire and replaced the light into the underwater niche.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Pliers, Wrench Set

Lens leaked and tripped GFCI

Written on 11/12/2020 by Guest

Since I was in the middle of emptying the pool due to chlorine lock, only using 3" chlorine tablets for past eight months, I decided to repair the pool light, water leaked into light shorting the circuit and causing GFCI to trip, did not replace gasket last time I replaced bulb, my bad. Before tackling the job find a few videos to watch to help visualize how to do it!
1. Emptied pool, only because I had to for another reason, there is no need to empty pool to repair the light, the cord should be long enough to put the light on the deck.
2.Turned off breaker to pool electrical and removed light to pool deck
3. Using a 3/8" wrench for bolt head and 7/16" wrench for nut removed retaining ring
4. Used flat blade screwdriver to loosen seal and separate lens gasket from light housing
5. Carefully unscrewed bulb, bulb had hole burned through at base
6. There was corrosion and rust in socket so poured CLR into socket and let soak for 15 minutes rinsed with water, towel dried and left it in the sun to dry for three days while I did tile repair
7. Inspected socket, then using electrical contact burnishing tool to remove oxidation on the bulb contact, installed new bulb, turned on breaker to electrical, turned on light for a few seconds to insure light worked
8. Removed old gasket from lens and cleaned lens
9. Installed new gasket on lens, the gasket is the same on front and back so just install it on the lens
10. Replaced badly misshapen retaining unitension wire, put light housing on the deck with the bulb facing up, put the lens with gasket on housing being sure to center it and make sure half moons on lens are pointed toward bottom of light, place face ring on gasket being sure to center it, make sure the retaining clips are evenly spaced around face ring, place the unitension wire on the clips with the bolt loops facing down, put the bolt into the loop pull loops together with channel locks install washer and nut. Tighten nut until loops touch
11. Install light into pool housing putting slot on bottom of light over the retainer at the bottom of the pool housing, push light flush with pool wall and install the single screw at the top.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


1     1

Good price

Written on 8/7/2020 by Guest

The light is great in the nights

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, digital volt meter

3     0

Bought a home and relocated. The home has a pool that needed some attention.

Written on 2/6/2020 by Guest

As the original submerged light was 1/2 full of water, the problem was obvious. The gasket had failed sometime in the past.

I ordered a new lens gasket to complete the repair. I shut off all power to the light and VERIFIED power was off with my digital volt meter. I then proceeded with the repair by removing the stainless machine screw that holds the light into the fixture, then removed the light from the fixture, removed old gasket, and replaced with the new 79101600 gasket.

All this was done while sitting on "noodle" floats in the water! No need to drain any water! However, at this point, I decided to go ahead and get a new color- changing LED pool light from INYO Pools (which I will detail the install in another post). No sense "putting perfume on a pig" as they say!

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Wrench Set

7     0

bulb was burned out and gasket deteriorated

Written on 4/19/2017 by Guest

watched inyo video for replacing bulb and gasket. I ordered a new 100w, 12v bulb and gasket from inyo.
my lamp was exactly as shown in the video. I followed the step by step instructions and the job was complete in
less than an hour.

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