

By Raypak



Model # 009216

Warranty 1 Year

Manufacturer Code P-R206A-EN-C #50

Alternate Part #'s 009216, P-R206A-EN-C #50, PR206AENC, RAY009216

Product Description

Think about being able to use your pool or spa at the perfect comfort level even when Fall arrives...or when the first chill of Winter is felt in the wind...or in the Spring or Summer when evenings can turn chilly in a minute!  Helping you get more enjoyment from your pool or spa is the smart idea behind the Raypak heaters.


  • Digital control with liquid crystal display (LCD) for temperature selection and heater settings

  • Capron resin headers prevent rust stains from harming pool surface

  • Plumb directly from provided 2" PVC threaded union

  • Smart microprocessor controls diagnostic read-out and continuously monitors operating status

  • Completely field serviceable

  • Small footprint

  • High efficiency

  • Guaranteed high wind reliability

  • Looks smart and works smart

  • Thermal Efficiency of 83% 

  • 1 Year Warranty

Elevation: 0 Ft. – 2000 Ft. Click Here for High Altitude Pool Heaters


California Customers Please Note:  South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Area of Jurisdiction REQUIRES a Low Nox Heater be installed.  The following 6 California Counties are affected:  Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, & Kern. Installing a non-compliant heater in these counties will void the manufacturer's warranty and could result in a fine from your local code enforcement.    


Raypak Pool Heater DimensionsRaypak Pool Heater Dimensions

Raypak Heater Dimensions


This Limited Warranty does NOT apply; 
1. if the product has been moved from its original place of installation, or if the original 
owner no longer owns the property where the original installation was made; 
2. if the product is not properly installed with a pool or spa by a qualified licensed installer in 
accordance with applicable local codes and ordinances, good trade practices, and the 
manufacturer’s installation instructions; 
3. if the rating plate(s) or serial number(s) are altered or removed; 
4. if the product is modified in any way, or non-factory authorized accessories or other 
components are used in conjunction with the product; 
5. to damage, malfunctions or failures resulting from failure to properly install, operate or 
maintain the product in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; 
6. to damage, malfunctions or failures from abuse, act of nature, accident, fire, flood, freeze, 
lightning or the like; 
7. to damage, malfunctions or failures resulting from [or due to] connected system control 
8. performance problems caused by improper sizing of the heater or electric service 
voltage, wiring or fusing; 
9. use of any attachment, including any energy saving device not authorized by the 
10. to damage, malfunctions or failures from misuse or neglect, including but not limited to, 
freeze-ups, operating the heater with the cabinet door off, having flow restrictions or 
obstructions between the heater outlet and the pool/spa, or not maintaining a proper 
chemical balance (PH level must be between 7.4 and 7.8 and total alkalinity between 100 
and 150 PPM. Total dissolved solids (TDS) must be no greater than 3000 PPM)

Product Specifications

206,000 BTU
Digital Readout:
0-2000 ft. elevation
0-2,000 ft.
Heat Exchanger:
Heater Type:
Natural Gas

?     Asked on 4/30/2007by Guest

What are the dimmensions of this heater?

A  Answered on 4/30/2007 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

This heater is 20 inches wide X 28 inches deep and 40 inches tall. 

?     Asked on 1/16/2012by Guest

Will a gas heater operate at the low speed of a dual speed motor?

A  Answered on 1/16/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Probably not - Most gas heater will shut off at low GPM levels (20-40) to keep the heater cores from overheating - 20 for 200 BTUs, 40 for 400 BTUs. Depending on your pool system you might get these GPM levels at the low speed but generally these heaters must be run at the motor's high speed.

?     Asked on 10/10/2012by Guest

What is the difference between an Electronic and Millivolt ignition?

A  Answered on 10/10/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The basic answer is that Millivolt is the old style of ignition, using a standing pilot light. While the electronic ignition uses a spark start system like a gas grill. Electronic ignitions are more efficient in gas usage and also are better suited for high wind areas where a pilot light might get extinguished.

?     Asked on 8/29/2013by Guest

I am replacing an old Raypak 206k BTU heater and I need to know if this will fit on my concrete pad. Do you have the dimensions of the heater cabinet?

A  Answered on 8/29/2013 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

For the Raypak 206 BTU RP2100 Series the cabinet measures are as follows:Width - 20 inches, Depth - 28inches, Height - 38 inches.Any fuirther techinical data be found in the Raypak Specifications Guide

?     Asked on 2/6/2015by L C King

Please tell me what differences this model has in comparison to the Raypak 180 K BTU CuPru Nickel heater.

A  Answered on 2/9/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Robert M.

Hello LC - This heater has a copper heat exchanger and the 180K BTU has a cupro-nickel heat exchanger. The cupro-nickel is a more durable material. That is the only significant difference between the two models.


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Adjustable Wrench, 2x Pipe Wrench

1     0

My 30 Yr old Ray PAk 2100 rusted out finally. I ordered a new Ray PAk 206A (same chassis as my 2100),

Written on 7/29/2022 by Guest

INYOPOOL had a competitive price, it included shipping cost to Plano, TX, ordered on Friday afternoon and it delivered to my driveway Wednesday morning. Very quick delivery and super company to work with. the heater was in perfect condition. I put it in place of the old one. Installed water lines (same height position as the old 2100), installed the electrical wires (same position as the 2100). Let a pool company reconnect the gas lines and confirm the electrical connections so that the full warranty would be in effect.

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Est. Repair Time

2 to 4 hrs

Tools Needed

cordless sawzall

4     0

21 year old heater didn't work and needed to be replaced

Written on 5/20/2020 by David E.

I removed old heater. I set the new one in its place. I piped up the gas line first because that is the hardest to do. I piped up the line from the filter to the heater then the return line back to the pool. Everything went well.

Were these instructions helpful? 


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