

By Pentair Pool Products



Part # EC-523404

Warranty Ecommerce (EC) products: Products purchased from an Authorized Pentair Online Reseller (products beginning with EC-) receive a one (1) year (parts only) warranty from the date of purchase. The exceptions are: IntelliChlor cells and IntelliFlo SVRS pumps which receive a two (2) year warranty. EC products are not eligible for the bundled three (3) year extended warranty.

Alternate Part #'s COM-30-1706, EC523404, PENEC-523404, PENEC523404

Product Description

The IntelliSync Pump Control and Monitoring System gives you smart device control of Pentair pumps such as IntelliFlo® and SuperFlo® Variable Speed Pumps. Through the convenience of the Pentair Home app, this pool pump controller* lets you adjust your pump, plus get monitoring alerts on select models. 

  • Affordable pool automation: a smart investment in easy control and savings.
  • 24/7 pump control and monitoring via the Pentair Home App.
  •  Receive maintenance alerts.
  •  Easy installation: plugs into a 120-volt outlet.
  •  Freeze protection safeguards your pump in cold weather.** 

**If your wireless connection, Internet, or the AccuWeather weather service website is not working the freeze protection feature will not be operable.


Product Specifications


?     Asked on 5/12/2013by Guest

Do you sell a 2 speed toggle switch for the Pentair Superflo pump?

A  Answered on 5/12/2013 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes. You can find the Pentair Superflo 2 speed toggle switch here: http://www.inyopools.com/Products/07501352033552.htm

?     Asked on 12/16/2014by madche

Is there a switch to change speeds or is it automatic? Are there required accessories for changing the speeds?

A  Answered on 12/16/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Robert M.

Hello Madche - The pump does not come with a switch. The part number for the switch is 79129900 (5074-29).

?     Asked on 5/29/2016by Wayne Hunter

do you have a motor #177476 that fits a superflo high performance pump #350097? If so, please advise ASAP availability , price and how quickly you can ship

A  Answered on 5/30/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Alex V.

Wayne, Please confirm the specs on your motor. The motor # comes up as this: http://www.inyopools.com/Products/00200017046291.htm

?     Asked on 12/26/2019by Timothy Morgan

Which is quieter at full speed, this 2-speed pump or the Pentair 342001 Variable flow?

A  Answered on 12/27/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Timothy. The Pentair Variable Speed pump is quieter due to the motor design.  

?     Asked on 12/27/2019by Timothy Morgan

Thank you for the quick response. I've found Inyo Pools to be a solid source of information over the 18 years I've been managing my pool, The Qs and As about switches lead me to a related question (I think): can separate wirings from the panel for low and high speed (of my dead 2-speed pump) make such a switch less (or more) necessary? BTW, I look forward to you guys stocking the Sta-Rite gas pool heaters.

A  Answered on 12/30/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Timothy. Yes, if you wire the motor to a specific speed only, the switch will not be necessary. 


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