

By Hayward Pool Products




Warranty 1 Year

Manufacturer Code GLX-PCB-RITE

Dimensions 9" L x 6.5" W x 4" D

Alternate Part #'s 066012C-1 Rev C, 132603G, 132604, G1-011056B-1, G1-011056G-1, G1-066012C-1, G1-066604K-1, G1066604K1, GLX-PCB-RITE, glxpcbrite, 43-150-1026, GLD-451-1004, HPPGLXPCBRITE

Product Description

Raypak Pool Heaters

We are now carrying an After Market Main PCB for the Hayward AquaRite for $199.99! Click here to view the After Market Hayward AquaRite Main PCB.

Goldline Main Printed Circuit Board (GLX-PCB-RITE)

This is the main printed circuit board for the Goldline Controls Aquarite salt chlorine system.  This is the board that typically goes bad if your unit is impacted by an electrical surge (lightning).  Works with the Aquarite 15k, 25k and 40k gallon models.

Take a look at our Reviews tab for feedback from customers regarding replacing this board.



  • Hayward AquaRite
  • Goldline Aquarite
  • BioGuard Mineral Springs
  • SwimPure Plus
  • SwimPure Extreme

?     Asked on 6/25/2014by Guest

My aqua rite main circuit board has a part #066012c-1 rev c. what is the replacement board?

A  Answered on 6/25/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

This item here (GLXPCBRITE) is backward compatible with all older versions of the Aquarite meaning that it will work on all versions of the Aquarite.

?     Asked on 4/10/2015by Allison

I am looking for a replacement board part #066008-g

A  Answered on 4/13/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Allison, Yes, the GLX-PCB-MAIN would be the correct replacement for the Goldline 066008-G board.

?     Asked on 4/13/2015by Allison

Are the glx-pcb-main and the glx-pcb-rite the same?

A  Answered on 4/13/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Allison, The GLX-PCB-RITE is for the AquaRite Salt System and the GLX-PCB-MAIN is for the AquaLogic Automated Control System. The AquRite would be a standard salt system where the AquaLogic is an Automated Control System with a Salt System. This means that the AquaLogic would normally also control equipment like lights, pumps, air blower etc. The control of this equipment is done through a remote control. So if you have the AquaRite you require the GLX-PCB-RITE and if you have an AquaLogic you require the GLX-PCB-MAIN

?     Asked on 5/9/2015by Chris

Hi, My pool co says my Power Interface Board is out (the capacitor is cracked). If I decide to try to replace the board myself, which part should I order. Here are some names & numbers he read off the panel: Aquarite Generator, 215 - 230, GLC21011 (Goldline Controls), Part# G1-066012E-1 year 2009. Thanks, Chris

A  Answered on 5/9/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Hi Chris this would be the Aquarite PCB board that you require based on the numbers you provided. We have a Video on How To Replace an AquaRite PCB Board which should make things pretty simple for you.

?     Asked on 5/12/2015by Peter

I have a 2009 Aqua Rite system (PN: G1-066012E-1) that needs to be replaced. Can you tell me what is the replacement board for it? Thanks!

A  Answered on 5/12/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Hi Peter, This would be the correct replacement PCB board for your Hayward AquaRite. This is the newest board and is backwards compatible to all older AquaRite units. We have a good Video on How to Replace an AquaRite PCB Board which should make this repair pretty easy.


Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Pliers, Socket Set

My Aquarite read 115 F and 1500 ppm salt

Written on 7/22/2024 by Guest

Turn off breaker supplying Hayward Aquarite.
Remove the cover panel. Remove the display card.
Color by color, pull wires from old board and use the spade connectors to attach to the new board.
Reuse the white plastic mounting pins from the old board on the new board.
You have to pinch the pins near the hole they protrude to release the pins locking device.
Reinstall the display card. Install cover panel.
Make sure the Aquarite displays the correct cell (in my case T 15) BEFORE hooking up the cell.
That fixed it. DIY 1.5 hours.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Needle nose pliers

The control panel on our Hayward salt chlorine generator wasn’t responding. It was as if it was off.

Written on 10/2/2023 by Guest

We took off the front of the panel.
We saw the fuse and although it was not burned out we replaced it. Still the control panel did not light up.
We talked to Hayward and they do not send parts. Their local store only did new installations.
We called Inyopools, gave them the id for the control system. They told us which part to order.
When the part came, we set about replacing it.
We shut off the power. Then we disconnected the cords to the chlorine generating cell itself.
We simply disconnected the small screen and then disconnected the control board.
After taking the old board out, we transferred the plastic pieces that held the small screen to the new board. Snap out and snap in. Holes were easily identified.
We reconnected the wires just like they were connected to the old board.
We carefully reconnected the small screen.
We turned on the power and followed the inclosed directions to set our cell to t3
We reconnected the two cords to the chlorine generator.
The lights came back on and everything worked just fine!

Were these instructions helpful? 


Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers

2     0

My salt generator wasn't turning on, it had power, the fuse was good so that led me to believe the main board was bad.

Written on 10/26/2022 by Guest

Took a picture of the board hooked up, unhooked all the wires , removed 2 screws & changed out the board. Installed the new board, put the 2 screws back in, hooked the wires back up according to where they go & remounted the display.

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Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Nut Drivers, Pliers

My original PCB board finally failed after 17-years.

Written on 9/16/2022 by Guest

I removed the old PCB board and used the old display and it worked great. However, I assumed the jumpers were the same for 120 ACV and so I just connected the board without realizing the jumpers were different. It worked fine but appeared to run hot. Because it was working fine I ignored the hot situation and it burned out my transformer. I ordered another PCB board and transformer and contacted InYo Pools tech representative and he talked me through the correct placement of the jumpers. It is still working fine.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Nut Drivers, Pliers

1     0

AquaRite Board was not working

Written on 6/13/2022 by Guest

1. Removed all wire connections from existing board.
2. Removed display module and standoffs from existing board.
3 Removed mounting screws from bottom of existing board.
4. Installed new board securing with lower mounting screws.
5. Installed standoffs and display module on new board.
6. Connected wiring to new board.following color codes on board.

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Est. Repair Time

1 to 2 hrs

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Pliers, Socket Set, Adjustable Wrench

3     0

Power and Generation Light not illuminated

Written on 6/15/2020 by Guest

Everything was working fine, but checked one day and no power or generation lite illuminated but the pump is running. Turned power off and checked the main control unit for any changes but nothing. Turned power back on and both lights came back on but turned off somewhere over a 24 hour period.

Repeated the power off/on cycle and watch the P/G lights which stayed on for about 4 hours then shut off. Double checked all the electrical leads again and cycled the power, more out of not wanting to order a new motherboard and swap the old one out as I have much history with the existing motherboard.

Finally made the decision to get the Hayward Motherborad replacement and followed your video and had it back up and running in two hours. I intentionally took my time and triple checked all the connections to make sure they were correct, otherwise it would have been an hour tops to make the swap. All good and back to normal.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed

Screwdriver, Nut Drivers, Pliers

A local Power surge burnt the Main PCB

Written on 6/17/2018 by Guest

I ordered a new Aqua Rite Main PCB from INYOpools and installed it with the easy to read instructions and in less than an hour my system was back up and running correctly.

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Est. Repair Time

Less than 1 hr

Tools Needed


1     0

Main PCB was broken

Written on 10/25/2017 by Guest

Electricity Switch OFF
Open the Aqua Rite
Before unplug the main PCB, I took a photograph to leave conections as same as I found them
Unplug the broken main PCB
Plug the new main PCB
Close the Aqua Rite
Switch ON
Restart the Aqua Rite

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