

By Century Motors



Part # UCT1152

Warranty 1 Year

Alternate Part #'s 5KCR39SN2823AX, K48L2N100A2, UCT1152, CRMUCT1152

Product Description

Replace your  Pump Motor with an Energy Efficient model UCT1152.  Our Energy Efficient UCT1152 replacement motor cost roughly 33% less to operate than the standard UST1152  replacement motor.  In most states you will recoup the cost difference between the standard motor and Energy Efficient Motor within 4-6 months. 

Voltage 115/230, Max Amps 115V = 14.6 230V = 7.3, Single Speed, Round Flange, RPM = 3450, Threaded Shaft, Frame = 56J Used on the following models: Hayward Max Flow, Hayward Super Pump, Hayward Super II, Hayward Northstar and Jacuzzi Magnum pumps.

Note: NOT California Title 20 Compliant. 

California Title 20 Compliant Option:

Motor Dimensions Motor Dimensions
Motor Image Motor Image

Product Specifications

1.5 HP
115/230 V
14.6/7.3 amp
Service Factor:
Total HP:
1.5 HP
Century (A.O. Smith)
3450 RPM
Commonly Used On:
Hayward Max Flow, Hayward Super Pump, Hayward Super II, Hayward Northstar and Jacuzzi Magnum

?     Asked on 5/1/2013by Guest

Will the AO Smith UCT1152 cost less to run than the UST1152?

A  Answered on 5/1/2013 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes, the UCT1152 will cost less to operate compared to the standard UST1152. Depending on how the motor is cared for, it should last several years. When replacing the motor, I would recommend buying a tune up kit based on your pump model and age.

?     Asked on 9/10/2014by Guest

Will this motor fit a Hayward Super pump model SP2610X15?

A  Answered on 9/10/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

Yes, the UCT1152 will fit your pump. I would also recommend a GOKIT3: http://www.inyopools.com/Products/00500022000632.htm?Keywords=gokit3

?     Asked on 2/3/2015by ray

I'm trying to find a replacement for my marathon pool pump model numbe 5KC39UN6086X would this fit if so what other parts would if any thanks for the help.

A  Answered on 2/4/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Robert M.

Hello Ray - The UCT1152 is not the correct replacement motor. Model USQ1152 would be the correct replacement. The seals would depend on the make and model of your pump. Our Pool Pump Parts Page has a list of most of the common pool pumps. The seals can be found on this page.

?     Asked on 6/14/2015by john

Is this replacement motor Energy Star certified?

A  Answered on 6/15/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

John, A.O. Smith High Efficiency 1.5 HP Round Flange Up Rate Motor (UCT1152) is not Energy Star certified, it rated by The Conservationist®

?     Asked on 6/14/2015by Thomas

What's the right pump to replace the old one!! Model C48K2N143B1!

A  Answered on 6/14/2015 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The direct replacement motor for your Model C48K2N143B1 is a UST1102 Motor if you wanted to go Energy Efficient then you could go with the UCT1102 Replacement Motor.


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