Are there specs on how many microns this filter is rated at? Is there available another filter that won't allow finer particles to pass through?
As a rule, sand filters sift particles ranging from 20 to 40 microns in size. Cartridge filters can sift particles as small as 10 to 20 microns in size. DE filters can sift contaminants as small as 1 to 3 microns in size. This makes DE filtration at least five to six times more efficient than sand filtration systems.
is this pump ok for a 27/52 pool approx 16000 gals
Howard- The Clean and Clear 50 Sq. Ft. Filter 160314 will work for a 16k gallon pool. In 8 hours it can turnover 24k gallons. You would have to make sure you pump isn't too strong for it because it only has a 50 gpm maximum flow rating.
My pool size is as follows. Could you please tell me what size cartridge filter is suitable?
L=35 ft, W=15 ft
Deep end = 8 ft,; Shallow end = 4 ft
I have a pump with 1.5 HP
For your sized pool with the approximate water pressure rating that you have, I would start at the least with a 200 sq. ft. Pentair Clean and Clear filter that you can view here. You may have other factors to be reviewed regarding your system so you may want to confirm with us by providing us with whether you have a solar heating system as well via phone call or get with a licensed pool contractor. Generally speaking though, this is where you would want to begin.
We would need the pump/motor model and the distance the equipment is from the pool in order to make sure that the filter we recommend is compatible, based off the gallons per minute rating with your pump.
I think I installed the locking ring correctly, but the filter still leaks when pool pump is on. How can I correct the issue?
Hi Bill, That's an indicator that the Body/Tank O-ring needs to be replaced.
What gasket do I need for the Pentair Clean & Clear filter 160314?
Hi Bill, The Body/Tank O-ring will be the most common o-ring. You can also locate other replacement parts via the Pentair Clean & Clear/Predator Parts.
I have a kidney shape pool which is A = 13', B = 13', C = 29'. I have a Hayward Super Pump SP2610X15 1-1/2-Horse-Power Pool Pump. What type of cartridge filter would work best? The pump is 8' above and 50' away from the inground pool.
I have a 25X12X3 size pool(6750) gallons and wanted to see if this filter is appropriate? Also ican you recommend a salt chlorinator that would go with this?
Hi. This filter will provide adequate filtration if the flow rate of you pump does not exceed 50 gpm. We have several Inground Pool Salt Systems that can be used to chlorinate your pool depending on capacity and initial cost, the Hayward Aqua Rite - AQR3 would be my recommendation.
Our estate in Singapore needs a Pentair filter.
How would we know which filter to purchase to use.
Can I have your email, so that pictures can be send to you.
Hello, You can send any pictures to of your pump.
how to clean the filter and how often to clean the filter? Thank you.
Hi, Sonja. Filter cleaning instructions are available on pages 4-5 of the Pentair Clean and Clear Owners Manual any you will clean your filter when pressure reads between 8-10 psi higher than the original starting pressure
Could I just order the top part of this canister. I have a leak up top. Thanks
Yes, you can purchase the lid for the Pentair Clean & Clear/Predator System, scroll down to key 3 for the selection of lids.
I have to replace my old filter due to leaks. I have a 11 800 gallon pool with 2 hp pump. I have recently bought the Hayward C250 and I was told this efficient for my pool size. I still have the Hayward C250 in the box. Also my piping is 2 inch. Could this be replacement? I don't know the sq ft of my old filter. Thanks
That Hayward C250 is to small for a 2hp pump.Do yo have the pump model of what you have. This way we can get you the correct sized filter.
I have the pentair c50
However the instructions don't tell which side for pump connects ....outlet or inlet.
Hi, Leon. The ports are label Inlet and Outlet. The Inlet port is WEST port, the Outlet is the EAST port and the Waste port is SOUTH.
Okay.....sorry for the misunderstanding but which side goes to the pump the inlet or outlet. I just don't want to get this pipe connection backwards. Thanks
So when looking at the filter front where the main label is the inlet would be to the left and the outlet port would be to the right.
I currently have a DE filter with a 1HP motor...I want to change over to a cartridge pump...what is the recommendation for a 24FT pool?
Hi Helen, could you send us a few photos of the current filter and pump labels? To supply photos simply click the reply link below and upload your photos. Once we get those photos we can make the proper recommendation.
I HAVE 16X32 POOL 18000 gl would filter work for me
Hi Tracey, there are a few variables to consider when sizing a pool filter. Here is a guide that we put together called "How To Size a Pool Filter" that should assist.