Are there specs on how many microns this filter is rated at? Is there available another filter that won't allow finer particles to pass through?
As a rule, sand filters sift particles ranging from 20 to 40 microns in size. Cartridge filters can sift particles as small as 10 to 20 microns in size. DE filters can sift contaminants as small as 1 to 3 microns in size. This makes DE filtration at least five to six times more efficient than sand filtration systems.
Up to what size pool is this filter good for; in other words how many gallons of
water in the pool.
Hello Tony - In a perfect world this filter can handle 43,000 gallons. In reality, we would not recommend this filter for anything more than 20,000 gallons.
sent an mail previously about this.replacing a hayward CX1250RE filter C1200 was recommended. physical space is an issue as it is too tall. would a C900 for for a small viking baja pool if filter is only about 15 ft from the pool 12' X 25' X 3'8"-5'6"- pool is under 9000 gallons.
Joe- You would have to make sure that your filter can handle the total output from your pump. As long as your pump doesn't exceed the maximum flow rate of the filter you should be good to go.
Can this filter be used with a 1 HP Single Speed Super Pump? Looking to switch from sand filter and pump is less than 2 years old. Pool is 21 ft round above ground. Approx 12000 gallons.
Hi, Paul. You can use this filter if the flow rate does not exceed 90 GPM.
What is the measurement from inlet port to output port? I am replacing an older smaller Hayward filter and want to kow if it will fit in the same space.
Hi, Bill. That measurement is 13-1/8".
I currently have a DE filter and a 3/4hp Hayward super pump and would like to replace the filter with the C900
Hayward cartridge filter will the pump be able to handle the filter?
I have an 18.000 gallon pool with a pac fab 1.5 hp pump. Is the C900 the way to go? I am replacing a sand filter.
Hi, Jim. In order for us to be able to confirm or recommend a filter, we will need to know the pump's flow rate. For more info, check out our How To Size a Pool Filter guide.
I have a 1.5 hp pump; 18,000 gallon pool, and sand filter. is this the right filter to buy?
Similar to another question, I’m replacing a sand filter. 18,000 gallon pool, already have a 1.5HP pump rated 70GPM. Is this filter okay with that? Pool is above ground, can the filter be located below waterline if it’s listed as an inground pool filter? Thanks.
Replacement for Hayward C-800. Is this item in stock? How long does it take to ship to Miami, FL 33157
The Hayward C900 filter is in stock with an approximate delivery lead time to Florida of 3-5 business days.
When the drain plug is removed on the C900 how much water comes out of the filter housing? Is there a drain valve one can buy to empty the tank with a hose attachment?
Hi Bruce, when the drain cap is removed it is a slow/ steady drain however you can use a standard hose spigot and attach it to that port so you can attach a standard household water hose to it as well.