Does the pool need to be drained and refilled prior to starting this solar chorine generator? Will there be the need for other chemicals or stabilizers?
No draining is necessary and yes you will need to get your water chemistry to the recommended level to allow this unit to operate. Solarchlor Chlorine Generator Manual
I just bought a solar xT for my fresh water pool. It came with a gray snap on cap. Where does it go?
Ralph,You can replace the blue bowl assembly with gray cap for more efficient output.
Can I use this in my 10' (800 gallon) pool?
Hello Mandie, Yes you can use this in your pool. Just remember to keep your water chemistry balanced to the manufacturer's recommendations for this product.
Should the generator be taken out while swimming? Does it monitor the chlorine level by stop making and start making chlorine when needed?
Hi Fay, If safety is a concern you can remove the unit from the pool while in use, but its not mandatory.
Do I need a pump to go with this unit? The intex krystal clear was a pump/SWG combo. It was great but didn't last long. Thanks!
Hi Heather, A pump is needed to circulate the chlorinated water throughout the pool.