By Intermatic
Part # PA122
Intermatic Water Temperature Sensor
The Intermatic Water Temperature Sensor PA122 installs in the inlet side of the heater and monitors both pool and spa water temperature, depending on the position of the diverter valves. Installation is necessary for the thermostatic control to work. The sensor plugs into the Panel-Mounted Transceiver PE650 and the water temperature is displayed on the Hand-Held Transceiver PE953.
How do you calibrate the temp probe? I put a new PA122 water temperature sensor to control our Pentair gas heater. The water temp displayed is about 10 degrees warmer than the actual water temp.
Hi, Mike. I don't think this sensor is compatible with a Pentair controller after reading the PA122 - Water Temperature Senor Kit Manual. This sensor requires a low voltage raceway.
My hand held device shows 00
When the pool is running the heater is constantly on.
I called the Intermatic help line & they said the sensor is bad.If so can I install a new sensor?
Hi, Thomas. Yes, replacing a new sensor will resolve this error.