How To Select an Above Ground Pool Winter Cover


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Getting ready to winterize your swimming begins with purchasing the correct size cover. Here a few tips that will help you choose the correct size.

Please click here to view above ground winter pool covers 

Things You'll Need

Tape measure

Note pad and pen

Step by Step


Step 1

Measure the size of the pool. Make sure to include the top rails in your measurements. Some pools have wider top rails that need to be taken into account. 

If you have a non-standard pool size like a 12'x19' oval, 15'x28' oval, or 25' round, you’ll need a pool cover that is equal to or greater than the length and width (or diameter, for round pools) values of your pool. So, for a 12'x19'  pool, we need a cover made for pools that are at least 12' wide and 19' long. For the round pool example, we'll need a cover meant for a pool greater than 25' in diameter.

Step 2

Let’s head over to the above ground pool winter cover section to find the right cover for our pool. Which cover is the best fit for our 12'x19' pool?

Those of you that said the 12'x24', you are correct. That’s because the width of 12' and length of 24' are equal to or greater than our pool’s dimensions. 

Step 3

In our other pool example, which cover would be best for our 25' round above ground pool?

The correct answer is the 27' round because it is the next larger size with a cover option.

Step 4

Take into consideration how low you will drop the water level. Most pool covers will come with enough material to compensate for a water level that is reduced up to 12". If you need to drain the water level more than that, you will need to purchase a larger cover.

Once you have selected the style of winter cover (solid or mesh, you will want to review the cover size. Two sizes will usually be displayed on the item page, the pool size and cover size. For example, if you have a 12' round pool, the cover size will be 16' round.

Please click here to view pool cover pumps and accessories

Step 5

Once you have received your new winter cover, carefully remove it from the box and measure it to ensure it is the correct size. If it is incorrect, please contact the dealer you purchased the cover for further instruction.

Please click here to view air pillows


(41 to 61 of 61)

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 11/25/2019 

For your size swimming pool, we carry the 20 by 40 winter cover which is the next size larger than your size. This should not be an issue for a standard inground swimming pool. Now, if you need a safety/mesh cover that will be anchored to your deck then you would need to fill out and submit this custom cover form so we can get you an estimate asap.  

 Posted: 10/14/2019 

We have an oval above ground pool which is 12 feet by 28 feet. What size winter cover do I need.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 10/15/2019 

Winter covers are listed by the pool size they are meant to fit. If your pool size is not listed, then you would use a cover whose length and width measurements are equal or greater then your pool's.

 Posted: 9/12/2018 

Hello Thanh - A pool like that would require a custom cover. Please call our customer support at 407-834-2200 or submit a support request online.

 Posted: 9/8/2018 

I have a pool with one side radius 10'.1/4, another side radius 8'.1/4. Could you guy show me where can i order this winter cover tarp?

 Posted: 3/23/2018 

Hello Marnita - You would use a standard winter cover for winterizing the pool. When ordering, you would select the cover for an 18' pool size. The actual measurement for the cover will be 21'-22', depending on the specific model.

 Posted: 3/22/2018 

Hi, I have a 4ft /18 pool I have a cover that came with the pool. Do I need a solid cover and if so what size should I get for winterizing

 Posted: 10/9/2017 

I would love the answer to tammy's question.

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/4/2017 

jayswalls - You may want to order a custom designed cover to fit your pool. Please give us a call at 407-834-2200 and talk to one of our service reps.

Anonymous  Posted: 8/27/2017 

I have an 24 x 15 oval. What size should I buy?

 Posted: 8/16/2017 

I have a 18x24 oval pool with two poles on each side the cover I have is cut out for the poles which i don't beleive they make anymore so what size do you suggest i get? Thanks

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/7/2017 

Anonymous (pool cover) - For a 33'x18' AG pool, you would want a 37'x21' winter pool cover.

Anonymous  Posted: 8/6/2017 

We have a 33' x 18' above ground pool - what size cover do we need?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/24/2017 

Sady - Yes, you can use a 22' winter cover on you 16 ‘round pool. It's better to have a little more overlap than not quite enough with the 18’ option.

 Posted: 7/24/2017 

I have a 16' round pool, can I use a 22' winter cover for it

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/21/2016 

Ram - Please call our number at 877-372-6038. One of our service reps will collect detailed measurement of what you want to cover.

 Posted: 8/18/2016 

My above ground pool size is 15 x 24 but I have a walking deck around 3/4 of the pool and a larger deck area on the end. What size cover do I get?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 9/13/2015 

pool cover - All of the covers sold are 4' larger than the size of the pool to allow for a 12" drop in water. Your pool size fits between two sizes sold so you would want to get the larger size of the two.

Anonymous  Posted: 9/12/2015 

This still doesn't say how much bigger pool cover should be. My round pool measures 25-1/2 feet across. Allowing for a 12 inch drop in water, what size should I buy?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 11/19/2014 

Pool Measurement - If it's a circular pool, measure the diameter. For an oval, measure the longest and shortest diameter.

Anonymous  Posted: 11/18/2014 

you never said HOW to measure the pool...around the circumference or across the diameter?