How To Determine Why a Pool Pump Won't Prime


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This guide will explain how to troubleshoot a pool pump that is not priming. The most common causes of pool pump priming issues are sucking air leaks in your pump housing or plumbing and debris clogs. For this guide, we’ll focus mainly on the suction side of your pool equipment. The suction side includes all equipment and plumbing, from your skimmers and main drains to your pool pump’s impeller. Priming a pool pump is crucial for the efficiency of the entire pool system, especially at the beginning of the pool season or after any maintenance that introduces air into the system, to ensure optimal performance and prevent damage.

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Step by Step


Step 1

Low Water Level - The pool water level should be kept about halfway up the skimmer weir door; maintaining this water level allows enough water through during ebbs and flows to prevent the skimmer from gulping air. 

How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks

Step 2

Missing Skimmer Basket - A missing skimmer basket will introduce any debris captured by the skimmer into your pool's plumbing line. The debris can build up to become a clog.

Related Article - How to Unclog a Pool Skimmer

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Step 3

Clogged Pump and/or Skimmer Baskets - An overfilled strainer basket restricts water flow, which makes priming more difficult. Cleaning your strainer baskets regularly, or at least make a habit of inspecting them weekly.

Related Articles - How To Clean Out the Pool Pump Strainer

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Step 4

Air Leak - Pump Lid and Pump Lid Gasket - Remove the pump lid from the strainer housing to check for warping, cracks, or issues with its thread (for screw-on lids only.)

Remove the lid gasket from its groove and check for signs of aging (cracking rubber) or pinches. An easy way to determine if your gasket is past its usefulness is to rub your fingers along it; if a black rubber streak rubs off on your hand, it’s time to replace the gasket. Additionally, inspect the pump housing or motor basket for air bubbles, as their presence can indicate an air leak, which is a common issue when the pump is not fully primed.

Quick Tip: Check for gasket deterioration by running your fingers along its length. If your gasket’s rubber has started to degrade, you’ll see heavy black smudges on your hand.

Related Articles - How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks

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Step 5

Adjust Diverter Valve Settings - Make sure that at least one suction and one pressure (return) line are open to allow water to pass through your system freely. 

Quick Tip: if not already, take this time to label your diverter valve ports; labeling will help prevent diverter issues in the future. Valves can be marked using homemade laminated labels.

Related Articles - How To Install a Diverter Valve on the Suction Side of a Pool

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Step 6

Air Leaks - Glued Joints - Small air channels can form in glued plumbing joints; these cracks can form due to age or soon after initial installation if glue is not thoroughly applied.

To identify problem joints, look for water spouts that pop up when the pump is turned off. Backpressure will force the water to backwash to the pool when the pump is turned off. The backflushing water will force its way through the cracked glue, indicating where to inspect next.

Related Articles - How to Test for Suction Side Air Leaks

Click Here to View Complete Diverter Valves

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Step 7

Threaded Fittings - Use any techniques mentioned in the "How to Test for Suction Side Air leaks guides to find the leak. Once found, disassemble the joint union or adapter, and then apply 2 to 3 turns of Teflon tape to the threads. Before applying new tape, remove any bits of old tape or dirt from the threads.

Related Articles - How to Test for Suction Side Air Leaks

Step 8

Clogged Impeller - Impeller vanes can become clogged with mud, pine needles, or bulky debris. As the impeller gets more congested, the lower the pump's flow rate will drop. A precursor to priming issues is a drop in return jet flow rate.

Related Articles - How To Clean Out a Pool Pump Impeller

Step 9

Pump Speed Set Too Low - If your priming issue started after installing a dual-speed or variable-speed pump, the priming speed may be set too low for your system. Reference your pump's owner manual for instructions on how to reset the initial priming speed.

Related Articles - Best Setup For Variable Speed Pool Pumps 

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(161 to 181 of 181)

 Posted: 5/2/2016 

Have Hayward in ground pool primes itself in about 90 seconds but the strainer reservior is just filling the chamber about 2/3 full,slightly above strainer basket.when I opened the pool to get ready for the season the reservoir was full when pumping

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/24/2016 

Laurie - It sounds from your description that you leave the hose running in an open basket when you try priming the pump. The pump cover has to be replaced and sealed with the hose pulled out to prime the pump. If you are sealing the pump cover, check the O-ring under the cover to make sure it is not worn or that the O-ring is stretch out with age and not sealing completely.

 Posted: 4/21/2016 

My pool pump won't fill up with water. I turn the hose on and put in in where the basket goes and run it for 15 minutes and it never fill up. Is that normal?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 4/4/2016 

John - You may have a low water flow issue. See our guide on "How To Determine the Cause of Low Water Flow". Start with looking for a clogged impeller in your pump, a common issue. Then, if you have a cartridge filter, try running your system without the cartridge for a short time to see if that corrects your priming problem. If it does and your filter looks clean, the filter may be clogged with oils and chemicals and may need to be replaced.

 Posted: 4/2/2016 

Mt Hayward EcoStar has been running fine with a Navigator attached until recently. Now the pump starts fine but only with Navigator not attached. It primes fine but fails if the Navigator is attached at start of prime.

 Posted: 3/22/2016 

Thank you so much for your video on how to prime my pool pump. IT WORKED! I found the problem and made the corrections

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 2/22/2016 

Brian - First make sure you have a self priming pump. Above ground pools use gravity fed pumps. Then check for problems with low water flow. See our guide on "How to Correct Low Water Pressure in Your Pool System". Look again at a possible clogged impeller. This is a common problem. You might take the motor out to look closer at the impeller.

 Posted: 2/18/2016 

Hello, I came across your site and tried your steps. My pool will work and circulate water if I fill the filter basket with a hose, close it and turned it on (not moving any valves).

However, it will not circulate water and just spin if I don't manually prime it. So in short the pump is not self priming. I verified the impeller does move when I manually moved it and didn't get anything when doing the coat hanger trick. Any ideas?


InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 8/28/2015 

emily - Generally not. If your sand has not been changed for 5-7 years, I would change it. It may be too clogged for good water flow.

 Posted: 8/26/2015 

hi there, is it possible that the pool pump wont prime because the sand filter needs to be backwashed?

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 7/21/2015 

Pump won't run - You may have run the pump dry. If this happened long enough, you may have shorted out the motor coils and you will have to buy a new motor. See our guide on "How To Troubleshoot a Pool Pump Motor - Motor Fails to Start" for more information.

Anonymous  Posted: 7/20/2015 

I noticed the water level was below skimmer and at that time pump and motor was running,so I turned off both pump and motor for the day.the next day went to turn on pump and motor and nothing happened,why?

 Posted: 6/11/2015 

Thank you very much for this guide. I installed a new 3/4 HP pump and it would not prime. I redid the threaded connection and the union as per your instructions and it primed. I used silicon grease that I have from a scuba store to coat the o-ring on the union and used LDR TFE Paste with the silicon tape for the threads.

Anonymous  Posted: 5/23/2015 

Thanks much, Step 10 clogged impeller was my issue. I spent 2 hours troubleshooting traditional (air leaks, strainers, etc..) still no prime. Googled got you site and got the solution. Used your method (hook wire) to clear out impelller

InyoPools Product Specialist  Posted: 1/3/2015 

Roady – Double check all the possible issues listed in this guide and then have someone check to see if you have one or more blockages in the suction pipes to the pump. Also make sure that your 4 speed VS pump is starting up at the highest speed. You will need that level of suction to prime the pump.

 Posted: 1/1/2015 

My pump won't prime. I see the slide to fill with water, but yet I see other instructions that open and close the strainer and they don't mention filling with water. Our pool guy checks our filter and never adds water. We have had a new replacement pump and still won't prime. Even the rep came out and looked and still won't prime. We have the 4 speed Hayward pump.

 Posted: 10/14/2014 

Yes... very helpful list. It was the O-ring. Thanks for the tips. 9 bucks later,, were up & running.



 Posted: 8/8/2014 


 Posted: 7/4/2014 

Great pics, great step by step, from step 1 being most common to last step being the least common. We teach this practice to all of our technicians. Will forward this link to all of our diy'ers

Anonymous  Posted: 8/28/2013 

excellently described.

Anonymous  Posted: 8/16/2013 

Very good checklist - thanks