Two of the most common error codes on the Jandy AquaPure System are error code 172 and error code 186. Both codes indicate that the Jandy AquaPure Tri-Sensor needs to be replaced. When replacing your Fusion Soft System Tri-Sensor, we highly recommend the new style AquaPure Tri-Sensor R0452500 which has proven to be much more reliable than the older style sensors. Below we have listed the step-by-step instructions for the replacement. Note: the Jandy AquaPure Tri-Sensor is used in several Jandy salt water systems. This guide covers the replacement of the Jandy AquaPure Tri-Sensor in a Jandy Fusion Soft Nature 2 System integrated with an AquaLink RS Power Center.
InyoPools Product Specialist Dennis R. Posted: 8/14/2017
MCO - Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for these problems. I'd suggest calling Jandy at 800-822-7933. They should be able to solve this for you.Reply
MCO Posted: 8/10/2017
replaced tri-sensor and 172 error disappeared, however, now I can no longer control my heater remotely with PDA (manual operation is required and no temp displayed on PDA) and Aqualink RS needs to be set on service mode for Aquapure to produce chlorine (otherwise chlorine production rate reads 00%). Any suggestions on how to fix one or both problems.Reply