

By Hayward Pool Products



Part # 6223-177

Manufacturer Code FDXLIGN1930

Dimensions 10.5" L x 3" W x 2.75" D

Alternate Part #'s FDXLIGN1930, 47-150-1533, HAY-151-0037, HAYFDXLIGN1930, HPPFDXLIGN1930

Product Description

Your Source for Swimming Pool & Spa Parts - INYOpools.com


?     Asked on 10/21/2014by Serge Belisle

Will you ship part number FDXLIGN1930 to Canada?

A  Answered on 10/22/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Robert M.

Hello Serge - We can definitely ship Hayward part number FDXLIGN1930 to Canada.

?     Asked on 11/23/2014by Inyo Visitor

What voltage is this igniter ? I would like to test it before I purchase it.

A  Answered on 11/25/2014 by InyoPools Product Specialist Brian M.

Hello - I called Hayward Technical (908-355-7995) and they told me that part number 6223-177 is 120 Volt.

?     Asked on 10/19/2016by Inyo Visitor

What is the resistance reading on a good unit?

A  Answered on 10/20/2016 by InyoPools Product Specialist Adam Y.

Hi Robert, The tester should read anywhere between 50 and 400 ohms of resistance if the igniter is still in working condition. If the tester fails to register any resistance, the igniter has failed and must be replaced.Ignitor Uhsln (fdxlign1930)

?     Asked on 6/13/2018by Kenneth G.

I've seen many places about the resistance being between 50-100 ohms. Mine is reading 16 ohms. It glows red during the light sequence. Should I assume it's just not getting hot enough?

A  Answered on 6/13/2018 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Kenneth G. When testing this igniter, you must unplug the igniter from the board. The resistance should be 10.9-19.7 ohms at 77°F. 

?     Asked on 1/14/2019by Cindy

Will this be compatible with Hayward H400Id series propane heater? also, would you have a 3 way on/off switch (spa/off/pool)? Thank you!

A  Answered on 1/15/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Cindy. This Ignitor - FDXLIGN1930 is not compatible with the H400ID model. In order to locate the correct ignitor, I will need to know the operating voltage of your unit. Additional info on the switch will also be required.

  • Commented on 11/22/2019 by Product Owner

    It is hooked to a 15 amp breaker with a 220 line with an outside disconnect.

    • Commented on 11/25/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

      Cindy, The Igniter, 230V - IDXLIGN1930 or Igniter, Silicon Nitride - IDXL2IGN1930 (After 09/04) are your options based on when your unit was manufactured. 

      • Commented on 11/26/2019 by Product Owner

        Hi there, Hopefully this information will help and hopefully I can get parts so that my pool can be heated once again! As you know, it is a Hayward, Model H400IDP1, Serial Number 00C18318. There is a date of 2001. The label inside is in English and French, if that matters. Also need a 3 way on/off switch (i.e. "Spa, Off, Pool". And I wonder if the "eye" that supposed to see the flame could be faulty?? Thank you so much!! Cindy

        • Commented on 11/27/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

          Cindy, Please provide pictures of your unit. Based on your model #, you will need the Ignitor 230V - IDXLIGN1930. That unit does not use a 3-Way Switch. 

          • Commented on 12/8/2019 by Product Owner

            Hi, pics are attached as requested. I hope I took ones that will help. I have others, but could only upload this many at once. If not, please let me know. Thank you so much!


            • Commented on 12/16/2019 by Product Owner

              Hi. I ordered the correct ignitor and have received it. Thanks for all your help. However, since you have the pictures, what should I do about a 3 way switch and also the "flame indicator"?

              • Commented on 12/16/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

                Cynthia, The replacement switch is P/N CHXTSW1931. Your unit does not have a separate flame sensor, it part of the ignitor.  

                • Commented on 12/20/2019 by Product Owner

                  Hi, I received the replacement igniter and it looks nothing like the one that's on it. Pic attached of existing part. Does it look familiar to you?


                  • Commented on 12/24/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

                    Cynthia, The H-Series Ignitor Assembly - HAXIGN1931 is the correct one for your unit. 

                    • Commented on 12/25/2019 by Product Owner

                      Thanks so much. That is the right ignitor. Can you also search to see if you have the ignitor control module for this part (the brass terminal is loose)? I do not have a good connection with the original module that is on the heater. Can you provide part number?


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