By Maytronics



Part # 3295-136

Manufacturer Code 99960081

Alternate Part #'s 99960081, DL99960081, MAY99960081

Product Description

Cable Float, Light Blue - 99960081


?     Asked on 2/1/2012by Guest

I need a part for my Dolphin pool cleaner but I don't see it on the parts breakdown. Is there still a chance you may still have it?

A  Answered on 2/1/2012 by InyoPools Product Specialist Patrick P.

The manufacturer which is Maytronics, does not offer all parts for sale. If you don't see a part on the breakdown you can give us a call. For parts that they do not consider "DIY (do it yourself), you will need to contact them and send in the cleaner for repair.

?     Asked on 7/19/2019by Shelly

How do you remove the old cable floats to replace with new ones?

A  Answered on 7/19/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Shelly. You will need to use a small Flathead Screwdriver to release the locking tabs of the two-halves of the float. 

?     Asked on 7/22/2019by Inyo Visitor

How far up the cord from the dolphin should I snap the floats on?

A  Answered on 7/24/2019 by Industry Professional

If you have the football shaped floats, please place the first float 6 inches from the cleaner then the second one right behind the first one.

?     Asked on 7/24/2019by Bill Kutcher

Where does this float get placed on the cord ? Is there an ideal location?

A  Answered on 7/24/2019 by InyoPools Product Specialist Lennox H.

Hi, Bill. The location Cable Float - 99960081 is based on the pool depth, the cleaner model etc. You will have to reference the unit's manual. 