



Part # 6204-246

Manufacturer Code R0459505

Alternate Part #'s R0459505, 47-295-1767

Product Description

Your Source for Swimming Pool & Spa Parts - INYOpools.com


?     Asked on 7/21/2020by Keith Huff

Is this part available to ship? 6204-246


A  Answered on 10/28/2020 by InyoPools Product Specialist Hector F.

Hi Keith, yes this part is currently in stock and ready to ship with an approximate delivery lead time of 3-7 business days. 

  • Commented on 11/25/2020 by Product Owner

    Can you just buy the plastic end caps and if so what is that part number? Mine has broken in the same spot but the overall metal top is in good shape.

    • Commented on 12/22/2020 by InyoPools Product Specialist Megan C.

      Unfortunately, you cannot. They only offer the Lxi Smoked Display Cover (r0458400), the Lxi 250 Outdoor Grill (r0456001), and Lxi Control, User Interface And Gasket - R0458300


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