When working correctly, pool pumps should be completely full of water. In this guide, we discuss different tips on how to diagnose and correct the issue of a pump that is not filling up all the way.
Note: This guide is meant for pool owners who are used to seeing a full pump and a half-empty pump is out of the norm. There are instances where a variable speed running on a low speed will not fill up the pump completely. This is ok as long as the water level does not continue to fall and cause the pump to run dry.
Kieran Posted: 8/23/2022
Thanks so much, problem solvedReply
Shelley Posted: 6/25/2022
Your website is really helpful! Thank you for all the great pool care and maintenance tips. I'm getting air in my pump so tried some of these troubleshooting techniques today. When I try to manually prime the pump by filling it with water from a hose, I cannot get the pump to fill up. I have 3 lines coming into the pump - 2 from skimmers and one from the main drain. I tried closing valves to from the different locations to fill up one line at a time, but could never get the lines or the pump to fill up. Any ideas on what I could try next, short of having a professional help? Thanks!Reply
InyoPools Product Specialist Matt S. Posted: 6/27/2022
How long do you let the hose run for? is the pool's water level midway up the skimmer?Reply
Lois Posted: 3/12/2022
I lost all water to just below intake and output lines on above ground pool due to a break in the pump basket. I replaced the basket and o-ring but the pump will not allow water to go in when refilling pool. As soon as level reaches line in pool, the water comes out the top of pump backwash line. Pump has not been run since water drained out.Reply
InyoPools Product Specialist Matt S. Posted: 3/14/2022
The multiport valve either needs to be adjusted to regular filtering mode or has a crack/leak in it. Water wouldn't be pouring out of the backwash line unless it was being incorrectly routed. More info can be found here: Why Is My Multiport Valve Leaking?Reply
Frank Posted: 6/27/2022
I had the same thing. The spider gasket in the multiport valve needs replacing. I inspect mine and it was all deteriorated. While you are there replace the o-rings as well. They kits onlineReply
InyoPools Product Specialist Matt S. Posted: 6/27/2022
The gasket kits are found on the valve's parts schematic, listed on this page: Filter Valve PartsReply