How to Replace an Aquabot Classic Robotic Pool Cleaner Floating Handle


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If the Floating Handle on your Aquabot Classic Robotic Pool Cleaner is damaged, you can replace it by following the simple step-by-step instructions provided in this guide.

Step by Step


Step 1

BUY PARTS - If you have to replace the Floating Handle, you will have to buy the whole Floating Handle Assembly which includes the two Handle Bracket Assemblies. If you've only broken one of the Handle Bracket Assemblies, you can buy that part separately.

Step 2

UNSCREW BRACKETS - The Floating Handle Assembly is attached to the sides of the Cleaner with two 2 Handle Bracket Assemblies. Each Bracket Assembly is secured with two screws. Remove the screws from each of these Bracket Assemblies.

Step 3

LIFT OFF HANDLE - Once the Bracket Assemblies have been unscrewed, the Floating Handle Assembly can be lifted off the cleaner and set aside.

Step 4

REMOVE POWER CORD - The power cord is attached to one of the Brackets with a pair of P-Clips. Remove the screws that secure the P-Clips. Lift off the power cord.

Step 5

VIEW HANDLE ASSEMBLY - If the Handle on the Floating Handle Assembly is not damaged, and you only have to replace one damaged Handle Bracket Assembly, go to Step #8 to see how to remove the Handle Bracket Assembly from the Handle Assembly.

Step 6

SECURE NEW HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Attach the new Floating Handle Assembly by screwing on the two Handle Bracket Assemblies. The wire loops on the Brackets should be pointing down.

Step 7

REATTACH POWER CABLE - Reattach the two P-Clips that hold the power cord to the arm of the Floating Handle Assembly. The replacement of Floating Handle Assembly is complete. Skip to end, Step #16.

Step 8

REPLACE HANDLE BRACKET ONLY - The next series of steps show you how to replace one of the Handle Bracket Assemblies if it Is the only piece of the Handle Assembly that is damaged.

Step 9

REMOVE FASTENER - The Handle Bracket Assembly is attached to a post from the Handle with a wire fastener. Spread one end of the fastener and twist it off of the post with a pair of pliers.

Step 10

LIFT OFF WASHER - Keep track of the washer that is placed behind the wire fastener.

Step 11

SEPARATE BRACKET - Remove the Handle Bracket Assembly from the post.

Step 12

SLIDE NEW BRACKET ONTO POST - Slide a new Handle Bracket Assembly onto the Handle post. It does not matter if the wire loops on the Bracket are up or down since the Bracket can be repositioned after it is attached.

Step 13

REPLACE WASHER AND FASTENER - Replace the washer and wire fastener on the post.

Step 14

REPLACE HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Replace the repaired Floating Handle Assembly by screwing the two Handle Bracket Assemblies onto the cleaner. The wire loops on the Brackets should be pointing down.

Step 15

REATTACH POWER CABLE - Reattach the two P-Clips that hold the power cord to the arm of the Floating Handle Assembly.

Step 16

READY TO GO -The Floating Handle Assembly on your  Aquabot Classic Robotic Cleaner has been replaced successfully and the Cleaner is ready to go.



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